Youth people obsessed with sunless tanning

Written by Dana Scripca

Continued from page 1

Representatives of American Academy of Dermatology are puzzled since indoor tanning is so unnecessary. It's not associated with playing sports or other outdoor activities. It is practiced exclusively for cosmetic reasons. So young, so careless

Modern indoor salons gave up here and there traditional tanning beds and began to offer safer alternatives such as spray-on tanning or tanning booth which do not include UV light. Despite these better choices, youth would rather go to tanning beds using UV radiation because it is cheaper. They got there wrongly believing that tanning beds are safer than real sun exposure. They seem careless even if they are aware that UV rays delivered indoor are as dangerous as those outdoor.

It's obvious that relatively few teenagers are aware that sunburns increase their risk of skin cancer. Yet they continue to use tanning beds regularly. What happens during childhood is crucial; an early sunburn history isrepparttar foundation of potential further cancer. Nationalwide warning campaigns inrepparttar 114634 United States didn't show too many improvements in teens' attitude. But things have to be changed drastically, since melanoma is rising to critical range. Inrepparttar 114635 past years, at least 13 states have begun to regulate teen tanning (bed or booth exposing) by:

1. requiring parental presence 2. asking written parental agreement for teenagers under 18.

The state of California asks for a doctor's prescription; otherwise, indoor tanning sessions are forbidden for kids under 18. Moreover, a bill in Maryland requires all three: parental presence, written consent of parents and medical approval ! The sooner teens learn to protect their skin,repparttar 114636 better. Skin cancer is mostly incurable.

Dana Scripca writes for where you can find more information about Sunless Tanning. Please feel free to use this article in your Newsletter or on your website. If you use this article, please include the resource box and send a brief message to let me know where it appeared:

Cold Laser Therapy - Hope for Arthritis

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Continued from page 1

By targetingrepparttar lymphatic system, cold laser therapy first preserves body fluid balance, and simultaneously improves reabsorption of edema throughrepparttar 114633 infrared laser light. Overall, cold laser therapy distinctly demonstrates a reduction in swelling and permits motion to return torepparttar 114634 treated part.

So, with that knowledge, Dr. Schafer retrieved what looked like a Maglite flashlight. While she placedrepparttar 114635 cold laser directly on my dad's affected hand, she congenially told us about her research, about her background and even about her family. Putting my dad even more at ease with her compassion, Dr. Schafer shiftedrepparttar 114636 cold laser to different areas of his hand for moments at a time.

Before my own eyes, I could literally seerepparttar 114637 swelling begin to retreat. I asked my dad if he felt anything. With a slight smile, he said, "yes, it's feeling better." Needless to say, Dr. Schafer is a shining example ofrepparttar 114638 hypocritic oath - "...first, do no harm..."

After my dad's visit, there was a remarkable reduction in swelling. Even Dr. Schafer explained how she 'is simply amazed herself every time she usesrepparttar 114639 cold laser.'

Since then, he has had another visit. And again,repparttar 114640 results were incredible. Now he is able to move his fingers - which he was unable to do prior to his visit to Dr. Schafer. Although rheumatoid arthritis is a tough cookie to crack, cold laser therapy works magnificently. Its ability to have such a dramatic impact on healing, without conventional drugs, needles, or other un-natural stimulous makesrepparttar 114641 cold laser therapy not only an exciting, innovative therapy but a treatment that offers hope to so many.

Would I recommend it? Definitely.

Dr. Virginia Schafer, one of South Carolina's first chiropractors to acquirerepparttar 114642 Microlight cold laser, is a leading authority in research of Fibromyalgia and Rheumatology. Aside from chiropractic, Dr. Schafer's variety of services include treatment of conditions from chronic neck pain, rehabilitation following an auto or work related injury; computerized Nutritional/Health screening and analysis; woman's health issues such as hormone replacement treatment and wilsons thyroid treatment as well. To find more information about Dr. Virginia Schafer, feel free to visit her website at

If you need assitance finding a cold laser therapist, please feel free to contact Holistic Junction

C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. Lady Camelot Public Relations Director & Staff Writer

[All work by author is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contactrepparttar 114643 author at for permission.]

C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot is the PR Director and Staff Writer for Holistic Junction and Media Positive Radio

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