Your web host could be the reason why you are a sitting duck for a DDos attack

Written by Staff, Web-Host-Search

Continued from page 1

The network infrastructure ofrepparttar host you choose is very important if a web master is to ensure that their site is protected. And yet most of this protection does not come cheap. For examplerepparttar 134335 most recent Cisco Ddos protection appliance costs about $200,000. Without this protectionrepparttar 134336 host and his entire network are "sitting ducks" as any Ddos attack on any single site will affectrepparttar 134337 entire network and thus other web sites as well.

This is one ofrepparttar 134338 reasons why it is becoming increasingly important for web masters to be aware of a lot of technical details behindrepparttar 134339 network structure and capabilities ofrepparttar 134340 web host they choose to go with. It is just too risky to leave it all to chance or to baserepparttar 134341 entire reason for choice on a few simple factors like price and number of years in business.

Web-Host-Search continues to do extensive research on web hosts and web hosting. This in-depth valuable information is available for free at the comprehensive web host directory, Visit now for your free website template.

5 good reasons why you may need to change your web host now, before it is too late

Written by Staff, Web-Host-Search

Continued from page 1

3)Can you afford long downtime on your site You may find that your site goes down far too frequently. This could be as a result of your host gaining many more clients than their resources can support. Your site could also be taking too long to open. There are a host of other technical problems associated with your web host that could cause these.

A situation like this would mean that valuable traffic is lost forever and would be cause enough for you to change hosts to a more efficient and reliable organization.

4)If you are using a free site, you're not in serious business If you are currently using a free site, then it is imperative that you change to a paid site as soon as possible. A free site is more expensive than most can afford. A poor image and lack of credibility will mean that few people will dare buy from you. Some search engines also do not index free-hosted sites, which would impact on your traffic since search engines arerepparttar chief method of receiving traffic.

5)You will need a blog which is a challenge to most web hosts Blogs are rapidly becoming an important part of any online presence. Blogs usually put a heavy demand on networks and servers because of their nature. For example they require capabilities for rapid content updates and heavy traffic. Webmasters will need to be especially sure that their host's network is scalable enough to handlerepparttar 134334 load.

Web-Host-Search continues to do extensive research on web hosts and web hosting. This in-depth valuable information is available for free at the comprehensive web host directory, Visit now for your free website template.

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