Your Writing Anxiety - 10 Ways to Bring Relief

Written by Lynda Blake

Continued from page 1

6. Write inrepparttar way that you speak. It's friendlier to read and it's an easier and more natural way for you to write.

7. Don't worry about perfection too soon. Spell checking, indenting paragraphs, changing font size - this isrepparttar 151060 icing onrepparttar 151061 cake. Just let your writing flow and, just for once, forgetrepparttar 151062 grammar. Perfection can come later - atrepparttar 151063 redrafting stage.

8. Think about your readers in a different way. You may be anxious that your article is not "good enough" to be read by your peers. Remember, even if your audience are "experts", they don't know what you think about your subject. Nor does it mean that they know everything there is to know about a subject area. Target your writing towards an intelligent, enthusiastic, but non-expert, reader and your writing confidence will grow.

9. You've completed your writing. This is your first draft. The secret, now, is to redraft and redraft again. You'd be surprised at just how many things you'll want to say differently whenrepparttar 151064 sun rises tomorrow! Read your article once a day, make changes then put it aside untilrepparttar 151065 next day. In a few days, you'll read your article and find nothing to change. That's when you're ready to publish!

10. Believe in yourself. The first articles you write may not be perfect butrepparttar 151066 more you write,repparttar 151067 better your style will become. It's like learning to walk - all it takes is a little time and lots of practice.

(c) 2005 Lynda Blake

You're welcome to reprint this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered, includingrepparttar 151068 "Aboutrepparttar 151069 Author" info atrepparttar 151070 end.

Lynda Blake is a UK freelance writer

Resources used in preparing this article: Whiteboard Software: Free Graphic Organizers:

Starting a Freelance Writing Career (or Thoughts About Taking the Plunge)

Written by Michele R. Acosta

Continued from page 1

Many of my well wishers countered with questions that unintentionally poked holes in my game face. "Write what?" they asked. "For whom?" they asked. The answers to their questions involved explainingrepparttar vast quantities of research through which I had only recently begun to sift. I felt my courage failing because I could not adequately explainrepparttar 151059 process I was only beginning to understand myself. That insidious self-doubt began to erode my courage.

But I persevered. As I plodded through articles about query letters, marketing skills, and copyright I began to see opportunity inrepparttar 151060 mountains of material.

That opportunity belongs torepparttar 151061 writer who can stick it out. As I delve into some ofrepparttar 151062 markets listed online and read about their requirements, I now think: "I can do that!" A torrent of ideas spouts out of me as I work, as I sleep, as I drive car pool. I have several pieces started, a myriad of sticky notes hanging from shelves in my office, and a legal pad with several pages of notes. My game face is back and forrepparttar 151063 first time it is supported with real confidence.

Looking back onrepparttar 151064 those first weeks and months, I realize what I have accomplished. I have takenrepparttar 151065 first step - I maderepparttar 151066 decision to write for a living. I have learned that writing query letters isrepparttar 151067 standard and expected practice for pitching ideas to potential markets. I have learned what information should be included in a query letter. I have learned that Writer's Market isrepparttar 151068 best place to find those markets.

I am now takingrepparttar 151069 next step: I'm looking for appropriate markets and writing query letters to pitch my ideas. We'll see...

Michele R. Acosta is a writer, a former English teacher, and the mother of three boys. She spends her time writing and teaching others to write. Visit for writing & educational resources for young authors, teachers, & parents. Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Writing Tutor & Michele R. Acosta. All rights reserved.

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