Your True Talent Will Set You Free

Written by Dave Czach

Continued from page 1

* Place a new piece of blank paper on your night stand. * Write "While I sleep tonight, I am connected with my heart and soul. I allow myself to travel withrepparttar Ultimate Spirit. I bring back to my consciousness my honest desire, life purpose and grand plan to integrate with our current society to benefit others and myself. I now releaserepparttar 130501 power and intentions of these words. And this is so." * Go to bed. Close your eyes. Mentally repeatrepparttar 130502 same phrase until you fall asleep. * Duringrepparttar 130503 next 21 days, remain consciously alert for any clues to your answer.

Remember, following your intuition is manifesting that first thought that is unemcumbered with human influence. In other words, if a desire "pops in your mind" to do something, do it without alteration. Internally ask your heart if it's your answer. If it feels right, mayrepparttar 130504 wind be at your back and propel you to a wonderful journey filled with joy, laughter, love and excitement.

In conclusion, when you discover, express and make a living with your true talent, you will live in bliss. You will soar like an eagle with your unique imprint. Life will be as it was meant to be. In short, as Dr. King emotionally said, you will be "Free at last. Free at last. Free at last!"


Dave Czach is the publisher of the free and insightful email newsletter at

This article is Copyright 2003 by Dave Czach.

You may distribute this article free of charge anywhere so long as there are absolutely no modifications whatsoever and this Editor's Note section with copyright notice is included.

"It's a Great Day to Die!"

Written by Keith Varnum

Continued from page 1

Overcoming "Life Fright"

"Life fright" is extended "stage fright!" The whole world isrepparttar stage andrepparttar 130498 scary, intimidating audience is everyone outside of us. Andrepparttar 130499 irony is that we are not really afraid of dying- we're afraid of really living. Most people on Earth are having a Near-Life Experience! Afraid to speak our truth. Fearful of disapproval and rejection. Anxious about our safety and survival. Scared of deep love and joy!

Does life fright limit our ability to enjoy self-expression, creativity and professional and personal fulfillment? You bet! But we can learn powerful tools to integrate and release our inner saboteurs. We can open to a new sense of ease, aliveness, spontaneity and freedom in all areas of our life.

Ancient Tools torepparttar 130500 Rescue!

Fromrepparttar 130501 ancient wisdom of spiritual traditions and native cultures, we can learn easy, effective techniques to dissolve our old beliefs-andrepparttar 130502 intense emotions that go with them. Atrepparttar 130503 core of most meditative practices isrepparttar 130504 guidance to feel human emotions as pure energy, sensation or vibration-withoutrepparttar 130505 labels and names we usually use to identify them, withoutrepparttar 130506 need to understand, intellectualize or categorize them. Labels create resistance and confine us to feelingrepparttar 130507 experience insiderepparttar 130508 box named byrepparttar 130509 label. If we welcome "e- motions" as "energy in motion"-flowing sensations, pulsating vibrations-we can release our death grip on our belief system and allow our old limiting paradigms and self-images to transform.

Then every day becomes a good day to die-to our outmoded ways of thinking and living. We can clear our soul ofrepparttar 130510 karma, trauma and drama blocking our natural trust, openness and vitality. We can release ourselves from past influences and present-day self- defeating patterns. We can live and love freely again. We can recover our natural aliveness, creativity and playfulness in order to heal, grow and blossom. We can reclaim wholeness, meaning and joy. We can completerepparttar 130511 past, fully enjoyrepparttar 130512 present and creatively open torepparttar 130513 future.

People in touch with ancient and native wisdom know that dying is simply a transition to another state of existence-a state of light energy. At this time, we are experiencing a worldwide transition as light energy infusesrepparttar 130514 entire planet and all of its inhabitants. If we label these feelings "dying," "depressing" or " scary," we will experiencerepparttar 130515 energy within that label framework. If we experience these same feelings as "flowing" " dense sensation" or "exciting," we can surfrepparttar 130516 tides of transformation. Ancient and indigenous wisdom teaches that by embracing and moving with unlabeled vibrational energy, we experience life's changes more easily, playfully and quickly. When we master our emotions, we master Death. When we master Death, we master our happiness!

Does He Know Something We Don't?

Mahatma Gandhi suggests:

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

Why not assumerepparttar 130517 next moment-the next life-will always come along? What do we have to lose? Only fear. What do we have to gain? Every gift each moment has to offer!

A New Year's toast to you:

Here's to a new year, new life, new moments, new horizons, new possibilities, new joys!

Drawing from the wisdom of native and ancient spiritual traditions, Keith Varnum shares his 30 years of practical success as an author, personal coach, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio host, restaurateur, vision quest guide and international seminar leader (The Dream Workshops). Keith helps people get the love, money and health they want with his FREE "Prosperity Ezine" at

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