Your Target Audience – Who Are They & What Do They Want?

Written by Karon Thackston

Continued from page 1

3. Lurk. Visit online forums that are directed at people in your target audience. No need to post a message… just hang out and see what others are saying. This is another wonderful place to get insights on what people inrepparttar real world are thinking.

4. Visit. Stop by some ofrepparttar 121119 places your target customers might visit. Are you selling back supports to truck drivers? You might need to visit a few truck stops. Just sit back, orderrepparttar 121120 lunch special, and keep your ears open!

5. Talk. Want to knowrepparttar 121121 biggest complaint about retaining wall contractors? I actually had to find this one out for a client! Talk with those who would hire a retaining wall contractor. I jumped onrepparttar 121122 telephone and made a few phone calls. Amazingly enough, almost everyone I spoke with hadrepparttar 121123 same complaints. I was able to use that information to position my client inrepparttar 121124 best possible light before his target audience!

6. Join. Local associations create a tremendous environment for people to express their opinions, discuss pressing issues, and solve problems. Don’t joinrepparttar 121125 ones that fit YOU best, however. Joinrepparttar 121126 ones that your target customers would join!

7. Think. Put your thinking cap on, and come up with more ways to get to know your target audience. Perhaps you could visit a company that falls within your target customers’ line of work, and observe them for a few hours. Maybe you could host a free conference call where people within your audience could voice their opinions. With a little creativity, you’ll have allrepparttar 121127 ins and outs of your target customer nailed in no time!

Want to know the four personality types and how to get each to respond to your copy? Karon can show you! Get that information and tons more at Also subscribe to Karon’s FREE ezine: Business Essentials at

The Bold and The Beautiful

Written by Karen E. Hipp

Continued from page 1

But yet, it gets worse.

Nowrepparttar new mall is getting ready to open in a week. So Easy Target Mall, who obviously has been planning this new strategy for months, changes all of their billboards that are nearrepparttar 121118 new mall to a new series of "Hey, can you figure this out" billboards.

Because Easy Target Mall has more department stores thanrepparttar 121119 new mall, they decide that will be their new angle. "We're bigger, so we must be better." So what do their new billboards say? "You Need Big." Followed with visuals of big blown up pictures of various merchandise like sunglasses and a purse. This might work ifrepparttar 121120 mall was trying to attract local residents. They could follow it up with TV and magazines and newspaper ads so that people would eventually get it. Which is what Easy Target Mall has been doing.

BUT, they are trying to mostly attract tourists! Who will maybe only seerepparttar 121121 billboard once, if they are lucky. Sorepparttar 121122 tourist says as they drive down I-4, "You Need Big." And all of these billboards are right outside this new BIG mall that they are looking at as they readrepparttar 121123 billboard. Allrepparttar 121124 tourist is getting in his mind is "Big Mall." Likerepparttar 121125 one we're staring right at. Yeah, let's shop there!

One ofrepparttar 121126 big blown up pictures onrepparttar 121127 billboard looks like cigarettes cris-crossed on top of a red background (at least that'srepparttar 121128 way it looks at 60 miles an hour). I thought "No way, they CAN'T be promoting buying large cigarettes at Easy Target Mall. It took me several times of really trying to stare atrepparttar 121129 billboard (and not get in a wreck atrepparttar 121130 same time) to finally figure out what it was. It was a blown up picture of white shoelaces on a red tennis shoe. All you see arerepparttar 121131 white shoelaces. Trust me, it doesn't look like big white shoelaces.

And here'srepparttar 121132 REAL fun part. The creative types for Easy Target Mall have maderepparttar 121133 logo for Easy Target Mall so SMALL (not big) that you can't READ what mall it is! So you just assume it'srepparttar 121134 mall you're currently staring at,repparttar 121135 new mall.

If I wererepparttar 121136 new mall, I would send a great big thank you letter and fruit basket to Easy Target Mall for advertising their new mall, for FREE!

What does all of this mean? You can get a great, free education by just studyingrepparttar 121137 variety of TV, newspaper and magazine ads out there to learn what you shouldn't do with your advertising! It's everywhere. And, feel grateful that you aren't spending $6,000 a month for a billboard on I-4.

Easy Target Mall should have used this for their copy:

We have more stores than they do. Easy Target Mall

Just 3 miles downrepparttar 121138 road

Karen E. Hipp is a nationally recognized marketing consultant and the author of the ebook "Do-It-Yourself Marketing." Karen has been honored with "Marketing Director of the year in two separate industries and has won 54 Addy Awards. Karen's business, Hipp Marketing, focuses on small to medium sized businesses that need marketing help.

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