Your Search Engine Optimization Strategy: Make Love, Not War

Written by Scott Buresh

Continued from page 1

I consistently hear from companies who are puzzled as to why their expensive, cutting-edge website is perpetually outranked by a site of perceived inferior quality – “our website is better than theirs” or “we are a much bigger company” are common remarks. Beauty is, as always, inrepparttar eye ofrepparttar 141214 beholder. The sites that consistently rank highly are almost always using optimization methods that offer something of value to people who enteredrepparttar 141215 search query. Search engines care as much aboutrepparttar 141216 size of a company or how much it spent on its website about as much as they care about what you had for breakfast this morning (I had blueberry muffins, but Google hasn’t called to ask).

The advantages torepparttar 141217 “partnership” search engine optimization strategy are numerous. Rather than chaserepparttar 141218 ever-changing technical attributes that can get you short-term results, you instead use optimization methods that leverage your company’s knowledge of your industry to create something useful forrepparttar 141219 searcher. You can improve your website and offerrepparttar 141220 information and products that prospects are seeking, even if those prospects are inrepparttar 141221 earliest stages ofrepparttar 141222 buying cycle. In general, you will not have to watch your rankings swing wildly based upon new spam filters and algorithm shifts, and thus will enjoy a higher level of predictability when it comes to your website (although with search engines, there are never any guarantees). Since you aren’t constantly forced to re-address your site’s search engine optimization methods, you’ll have more time to focus on other online marketing areas that need attention, such asrepparttar 141223 website’s conversion rate, an e-newsletter, or online PR.


It’s a fact that websites rise and fall inrepparttar 141224 rankings allrepparttar 141225 time. The only real constant is thatrepparttar 141226 sites of TRUE value,repparttar 141227 ones that offer something relevant and important torepparttar 141228 searcher, are generally always nearrepparttar 141229 top – even afterrepparttar 141230 latest algorithm shift has sentrepparttar 141231 “adversarial” crowd into a frenzy of activity as they attempt to reformulate their search engine optimization strategy.

While it may take a little extra effort, I like to think ofrepparttar 141232 relationship with search engines as a “partnership” in a real sense. We use optimization methods that applyrepparttar 141233 attributes search engines have deemed to be valuable to a website, which improves bothrepparttar 141234 website andrepparttar 141235 website’s search engine rankings. The search engines, in turn, send highly-targeted visitors who have shown an interest in your industry, products, or services. Sure, it may seem that we get more out ofrepparttar 141236 deal, butrepparttar 141237 engines don’t complain. They haven’t even acknowledged our partnership.

Scott Buresh is managing partner of Medium Blue Search Engine Marketing. His articles have appeared in many publications, including ZDNet, MarketingProfs, & SiteProNews. He also contributed to Building Your Business with Google For Dummies (Wiley, 2004). Medium Blue’s clients include Georgia-Pacific, DuPont, & Boston Scientific. To receive Scott’s monthly articles, sign up for Medium Blue’s e-newsletter at

Preparing Your Website For Visitors

Written by Christine Stander

Continued from page 1

Having previously dabbled in all three of these areas myself, I can appreciatively say that developers prefer to be handed an accurate story board ofrepparttar site that they are intended to build, including a detailed page by page briefing. Just like site visitors, it is not inrepparttar 141170 developer’s job description to determine where design meets copy orrepparttar 141171 initial ideas ofrepparttar 141172 initiator ofrepparttar 141173 project.

Ensuring thatrepparttar 141174 various departments converse at least once pre-site design is vital, and will ensure thatrepparttar 141175 website launched will depictrepparttar 141176 story board initially requested.

It was quite a change for me as a previous “old school” developer to change torepparttar 141177 W3 Standards, but I must admit that it really isrepparttar 141178 best way to ensure cross browser compatibility. No more having multiple browsers open to ensurerepparttar 141179 design is always standard. I will recommend this to anyone still developing “old school”.

Ensuring content deliversrepparttar 141180 most effective message, capturingrepparttar 141181 audience whilst still enticingrepparttar 141182 search engines isrepparttar 141183 third part torepparttar 141184 equation. Also confirm that your page titles accurately conveyrepparttar 141185 message ofrepparttar 141186 page.

Gone arerepparttar 141187 days or writing M-amount of key-words within content to try and push your pages higher. Content is king inrepparttar 141188 land of search engine optimization. You will often find that just by writing relevant, on-topic contentrepparttar 141189 copy is optimized by default. Both spiders and visitors will appreciate this from your site.

Bring onrepparttar 141190 Traffic

It is great watching these areas coming together and preparing forrepparttar 141191 website launch. Now that your site is built as optimally as it could be: great design, relevant persuasive content and development strategy that reaches all markets, all you require isrepparttar 141192 traffic.

Consulting with a media strategist at this time is definitely recommended. They would be able to confirmrepparttar 141193 best methods for your niche ofrepparttar 141194 market. Whether you should concentrate solely on natural search or tie in with a paid search marketing campaign. A mail shot is always a good idea – especially ifrepparttar 141195 site has been revamped. The latest craze is Affiliate Marketing, a very effective way to market your website with proven returns on investment. A media strategist would be able to confirm whether your site needs all four or if one of these areas would suffice.

Follow Through

Your site is launched, you have an effective media strategy in place and traffic is booming. Is thisrepparttar 141196 end ofrepparttar 141197 site lifecycle, certainly not!

Don’t letrepparttar 141198 attention of your site slip merely because it has launched and expect it to fend for itself onrepparttar 141199 World Wide Web.

Acquire a good log file analyzer program and keep tracking and measuringrepparttar 141200 performance of your site.

To ensure that your site stays at peak performance you will constantly be required to analyzerepparttar 141201 traffic, visitor navigation throughrepparttar 141202 site as well as your search engine optimization levels.

Involve your visitors. Place feedback forms on your site and request that visitors tell you where, or if they require more detailed information, or have suggestions for improvement ofrepparttar 141203 experience.

It is for them that you have built this site, and without them, your site would be a lonely satellite in a populated galaxy.

Christine Stander is a professional search engine optimisation and online marketing strategist with experience in many facets of search marketing, user behaviour analysis and brand management. For more information on services offered, kindly refer to:

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