Your Practice is Only as Valuable as Your Referral Base

Written by Shaun Kirk, MHS, PT, MTC

Continued from page 1

Have you noticed that some doctors won’t meet with you unless you buy lunch forrepparttar entire office? That ought to tell you something. One, he’s not interested in speaking to you and two, neither is his staff. Quite honestly, you will have better results buying lunch for a doctor’s office that is referring to you, but you don’t stay. In other words, you purchasedrepparttar 103086 lunch, you make sure it arrives, you make sure they know it came from you and you leave. At leastrepparttar 103087 staff members who were sitting there eating will say something nice about you. Like “Wow, that’s pretty nice of that practice to swing by and buy us lunch.” You probably forced that practice to have a staff meeting. Which isn’t all bad. But if you stand up there and talk for 20-30 minutes about your practice and your philosophy and everything else, believe me, if it’srepparttar 103088 kind of physician that requires a lunch in order to meet,repparttar 103089 staff andrepparttar 103090 doctor have heardrepparttar 103091 story andrepparttar 103092 song and dance many times. In other words, if a doctor requires you to buy lunch forrepparttar 103093 entire staff in order to have a few minutes of his time, you’re wasting your money and your time.

Let me ask you a question. How do doctors who don’t know anything about you feel about you trying to educate them on patient conditions? Do they appreciate it? Do they heed your advice and do they welcome it? Probably not. Of course, your attention goes torepparttar 103094 exception, Dr. Jones, who just knows that you’rerepparttar 103095 best guy in treating spine conditions inrepparttar 103096 state and he will listen to every word you have to say. All I’m talking about isrepparttar 103097 doctors that don’t know you. Whenrepparttar 103098 doctor says tell me a little about your practice, you start educating him about your philosophy of treatment, about how you treat a spine condition that is different than anybody else, or what different studies report, etc. And you’ll find thatrepparttar 103099 guy who doesn’t already know that you’rerepparttar 103100 best in town will be kind of bothered by a physical therapist spouting off that they know everything. Now many physical therapists feel that they know a lot more than physicians do about physical therapy’s ability to help musculoskeletal conditions. They have to keep that to themselves. In actual fact, fromrepparttar 103101 point of view ofrepparttar 103102 doctors, they know more thanrepparttar 103103 physical therapists do. PT’s don’t have to accept it to be true, but they do need to accept that it’srepparttar 103104 doctor’s viewpoint when they talk to doctors.

It is because of this tendency of physical therapists and practice owners to want to educate doctors on their services, to wantrepparttar 103105 doctors to know they’rerepparttar 103106 best physical therapists or clinicians in town, that they are notrepparttar 103107 one to go out and cold call doctors. The best person to go out and represent your practice is somebody who doesn’t know anything about how to treat somebody. Let me show you how it works. Let’s say that you’ve got this reputation for your spine rehab program, that people woo over it, that it’s well know to berepparttar 103108 best in town. And somehow everyone knows. Then you have somebody who is a non-clinician go into their office and have a chance opportunity to meet withrepparttar 103109 doctor. The doctor says “Well I’ve been hearing an awful lot about your back rehab program. Can you tell me a little bit about it?” The non-clinician simply says, “Well doctor, I would love to tell you all about it, but in actual fact, what I notice is a patient comes in and they can’t even sit inrepparttar 103110 chair, they have to stand up and hold ontorepparttar 103111 back ofrepparttar 103112 chair and then after a few treatments they’re walking out feeling great. I really don’t know how they do it. But all I know is thatrepparttar 103113 program works.” Believe it or not that will create more interest, than if you would have told them how you treat and your philosophy and what techniques you use, etc. It has a bigger impact for him not to know exactly how you treat things. Try it, you’ll see. But again,repparttar 103114 worst person to represent your practice isrepparttar 103115 physical therapist or practice owner.

Shaun Kirk is President and Co-Founder of Measurable Solutions Inc., a consulting firm engaged in all areas of business management. Measurable Solutions trains entrepreneurs and executives how to be consultants to their own businesses, so they not only can expand their own business but any business. With his partner, he has built the most rapidly expanding company of its kind in the world. Visit his website at

Are You in Control of Your Practice or Does it Control You?

Written by Shaun Kirk, MHS, PT, MTC

Continued from page 1

It’s easy to list out what may be going downhill, butrepparttar ultimate question is how do you turn those things around?

The way you do that is by becomingrepparttar 103085 very best administrator possible so that you can manage, train and delegate in order to createrepparttar 103086 most effective and efficient machine possible. What is an administrator exactly? Well, perrepparttar 103087 Webster’s College Dictionary “Administrator: n. 1. a person who managesrepparttar 103088 direction of a government, business, institution orrepparttar 103089 like. (Latin- administrare to assist, carry out, managerepparttar 103090 affairs of.)

There is no other person in your business that is more responsible for your business than you. And when you assign that responsibility to someone else and detach yourself from it, you get into trouble. Now, I’m not saying you should be handling allrepparttar 103091 positions inrepparttar 103092 office, because after all that’s what is makingrepparttar 103093 business control you. What I am saying is you should know every aspect ofrepparttar 103094 positions in your office and train those under you to handle certain tasks in their entirety and then manage them from above. This is one ofrepparttar 103095 most basic fundamentals of being a good administrator and when you can successfully master this fundamental you will be on your way to a happier life.

Shaun Kirk is President and Co-Founder of Measurable Solutions Inc., a consulting firm engaged in all areas of business management. Measurable Solutions trains entrepreneurs and executives how to be consultants to their own businesses, so they not only can expand their own business but any business. With his partner, he has built the most rapidly expanding company of its kind in the world. Visit his website at

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