Your Organization Is Only as Good as Your People

Written by Dr. Freddy Davis

Continued from page 1
Secondly, give people an opportunity to grow. This is not a contradiction of point number one, above. At every level of responsibility people need to knowrepparttar boundaries. But everyone also has an inner desire to grow beyond where they currently are. It is possible to provide higher level possibilities which also have their own parameters. Give people something to work toward and they will produce more than they would without that possibility. A third thing that can be done is to “loosen up”. This, too, can be taken too far, butrepparttar 104492 tendency is all too often inrepparttar 104493 other direction. People want to be treated with respect. If you treat people as professionals, they will respond as professionals and get their assigned tasks done, even inrepparttar 104494 absence of outside pressure. Tension inrepparttar 104495 atmosphere creates tension inrepparttar 104496 body which leads to fatigue and a loss of productivity and morale. Handled correctly, people will work from an inner motivation, which is always superior to outside pressure. Finally, create an atmosphere of respect and friendship. Even if it means leaving a huge salary, many people will quit a job or organization that puts too much negative pressure on them. I know a number of people who have done just that. They left jobs with good pay and high prestige becauserepparttar 104497 atmospheric pressure was just too high. Onrepparttar 104498 other hand, people will be loyal to an organization when they feel respect and friendship, even ifrepparttar 104499 pay is low.

Render Unto Caesar Of course,repparttar 104500 primary focus of every group must be on fullingrepparttar 104501 purpose ofrepparttar 104502 organization. Most organizations don’t exist forrepparttar 104503 purpose of making their members feel good. It is there to provide a product or service to its clients and customers. That being said, there is no reason it cannot be a platform forrepparttar 104504 personal fulfillment of its employees while it is fulfilling its primary mission. If both of those things can be incorporated intorepparttar 104505 equation, you will have happy workers and a very productive organization. Everyone has a part to play in this process, but it begins atrepparttar 104506 top. Every leader setsrepparttar 104507 tone for their followers. Begin, now, to create an atmosphere in your organization that allows bothrepparttar 104508 organization andrepparttar 104509 individuals to “be all that they can be.”

Dr. Freddy Davis is the owner of TSM Enterprises and conducts conferences, seminars and organizational training for executives, managers and sales professionals to help develop greater effectiveness and productivity. He is the author of the book Supercharged! as well as the Nutshell Series of books for strengthening business. You can visit the TSM website at, or you can contact Freddy directly at 888-883-0656 or

Don’t Allow Yourself to Get Burned

Written by Dr. Freddy Davis

Continued from page 1

Goals Level three ofrepparttar foundation is goals. Goals arerepparttar 104491 “what” ofrepparttar 104492 operation. What is it that needs to be accomplished? When everything is finished, what has been done? Ultimately, goals are based on purpose. This is why it is very difficult to achieve a desired outcome without a clearly defined purpose. In establishing goals, there is a serious problem that many people run into. There are two different types of goals that it is possible to establish, and many people get these mixed up. If you establishrepparttar 104493 wrong type of goal for your specific situation, you will not achieve your desired end. The first type is an outcome goal. This type is appropriate when you have a specific and measurable end that you want to achieve. You can typically put a cost and/or time limit on it. When you get torepparttar 104494 end you can point at it and say, “We did it!” But there is another type of goal that fits a different need - a process goal. Sometimesrepparttar 104495 result you are looking for does not involve an outcome, but a process. Anything that involves growth and development needs this kind of goal. It is possible to becomerepparttar 104496 very best worker in your organization but still not be as good as you can be. It is possible to developrepparttar 104497 business to a very high level and still have room for improvement. It is very important to set process goals forrepparttar 104498 development of processes (individually and organizationally) and to set outcome goals to accomplish specific outcomes.

Plans Plans arerepparttar 104499 specific steps that are taken to carry out your goals and arerepparttar 104500 fourth foundation stone for success. Plans arerepparttar 104501 “when, where and how” ofrepparttar 104502 operation. And just as there are outcome and process goals, plans must be organized this way, as well. When you are trying to achieve a particular outcome, you have to have create very specific steps that lead to an ultimate conclusion. When you putrepparttar 104503 last piece ofrepparttar 104504 puzzle in place,repparttar 104505 whole thing is finished. But when you are trying to achieve growth and development, you never seerepparttar 104506 final end, you only see progress. As a result, you have to create plans that keep you moving forward. These are very different kinds of plans, so you have to be sure that you are not mixingrepparttar 104507 two.

Tools The final foundation stone is proficiency withrepparttar 104508 tools you will use to carry out your plans. We are speaking, here, ofrepparttar 104509 skills that allow you to performrepparttar 104510 tasks and to becomerepparttar 104511 kind of person who is capable of carrying outrepparttar 104512 plans. All ofrepparttar 104513 preparation and strategizing inrepparttar 104514 world will do you no good if you can’t carry them out. The tools are probably not what you think. They do not simply involve gaining proficiency inrepparttar 104515 mechanics of doing your job. Rather, they arerepparttar 104516 various facets of our personhood which allow us to grow and move forward. The first set of tools are our emotions. These skills involve learning to control our emotions so that we can be effective in our work no matterrepparttar 104517 circumstances. No matter how competent you are in other areas, if you panic or fall apart under pressure you will not be effective in achievingrepparttar 104518 outcomes you desire. The second set of tools relate to our body. We have to be physically capable of doingrepparttar 104519 activities that are necessary to complete our tasks. It involves nutrition, rest and exercise as well as repetitive activity to become skillful at what we do. Tool set number three is brain activity. These skills involve acquiring knowledge as well as developing our brains so that we can be effective at focus, concentration perspective, outlook and mental quickness. The final set of tools relate torepparttar 104520 development of our spirit. This isrepparttar 104521 part of our being that is self-aware, creative, communicative, makes choices, and does analysis. It isrepparttar 104522 inner core of our personhood. It is possible to become more skillful in each ofrepparttar 104523 areas that involve our spirit. And torepparttar 104524 degree we do, we will become more effective.

This Is Onlyrepparttar 104525 Beginning You will never move to higher and higher levels unless you takerepparttar 104526 time to developrepparttar 104527 areas that relate to strategic planning. That being said, don’t ever let planning be an end in itself. No plan ever carried itself out. Planning is just that, a foundation. It is a foundation for how energy will be exerted and directed to accomplish an outcome. Don’t plan, or plan poorly, and you will certainly hinder your forward progress. But plan well and you have a great possibility to soar intorepparttar 104528 future.

Dr. Freddy Davis is the owner of TSM Enterprises and conducts conferences, seminars and organizational training for executives, managers and sales professionals to help develop greater effectiveness and productivity. He is the author of the book Supercharged! as well as the Nutshell Series of books for strengthening business. You can visit the TSM website at, or you can contact Freddy directly at 888-883-0656 or

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