Your Optimum Weight is Waiting 4 You

Written by Chris Carter

Continued from page 1
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Motorized Vs. Manual Treadmills

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

Continued from page 1

Tend to be more expensive and can range from $800 up to $8000. However, they tend to last longer and are built to take more of a beating.

Also, becauserepparttar belt moves for you at varying speeds, this motivates you to keep up and actually results in more calories burned (vs. a manual treadmill).

You can easily adjustrepparttar 112877 speed and incline on most motorized treadmills, usually while still onrepparttar 112878 machine. This makes it much more convenient and savesrepparttar 112879 strain on your joints.

A final advantage torepparttar 112880 motorized treadmills is that they tend to have more options and features (iFit compatibility, numerous built-in workout programs, scrolling information consoles). This makes your workout more interesting and possibly even enjoyable as you can watch your progress.

This means that you will probably USErepparttar 112881 treadmill more often which again results in more calories burned and a better body achieved.

The Final Conclusion:

Unless you’re in extremely good physical shape, a manual treadmill is not recommended. Choose a motorized treadmill for maximum calorie burning and exercise convenience.

The biggest motivation to choose a manual treadmill isrepparttar 112882 low cost. However, you can find a quality motorized treadmill for a relatively low cost if you know where to look.

Regardless of what you choose remember to have fun and commit yourself to a better, healthier you!

Kathryn O'Neill is chief editor for

For more treadmill brand reviews, best buys and buying tips, visit

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