Your Hard Disk Failed... Don't Panic !

Written by Emanuele Allenti

Continued from page 1

Anyway, there is something you CAN do; if you are having data access problems and your media has no symptoms of physical failure or damage, try and check some obvious issues before deciding if you need data recovery:

- Arerepparttar power and disk cables properly connected? - Is configuration or disk information correct? - Tryrepparttar 107644 defective unit with a different adapter/controller interface or on a different computer. - Is there an experienced technician at a local store orrepparttar 107645 company help desk that you can consult, if these steps are beyond your capabilities? (Make sure whoever is in contact with your data loss situation is fully aware that they should do nothing during their troubleshooting that will risk hurting your data.)

Doesn't work? Don't panic; ifrepparttar 107646 damage occurred torepparttar 107647 drive's electronics, it most likely could be fixed. Ifrepparttar 107648 damage occurred to the, for example, system areas ofrepparttar 107649 disk, leavingrepparttar 107650 data zone intact, those data could be theoretically, and (in some cases) practically, recovered by a professional.

Look onrepparttar 107651 Net for data recovery companies, ask them questions, explain them your situation. In most cases they will be able to understand your problem and fix it for a fair price.

Emanuele Allenti is the owner of Backup and data recover tips, a website with useful information written by experts for those interested in backup and data recovery

What Is Computer Programming Anyway?

Written by Shamsul

Continued from page 1

One binary data (that can be a 1 or a 0) is called a “bit”. For example a data “1001” is a 4 bit data. Where first bit is 1, second bit is 0, third bit is another 0 andrepparttar fourth bit is 1.

Bit isrepparttar 107643 computer terminology for “chunk”.

How instructions can be represented by bits?

One bit data can only represent 1 out of 2 possible states – either 1 or 0. Which in real world can be used to represent things such as on or off, high or low, black or white – any 2 states condition?

If we increaserepparttar 107644 instruction size to 2 bits, then we can represent 4 instructions – 00, or 01, or 10 or 11. If we increaserepparttar 107645 size to 3 bits then we can represent 8 possible instructions – 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110 and 111

If you noticerepparttar 107646 trend fromrepparttar 107647 above examples is that maximum possible number of instructions isrepparttar 107648 power of 2 of repparttar 107649 bit size. That is 2 bits can represent maximum of 2^2 (which is 4) instructions, and 3 bits can represent maximum of 2^3 (which is 2x2x2 = 8) instructions.

So 8 bits data can represent maximum of 2^8 (2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 256) instructions (or states) and 32 bits data can represent 2^32 (4,294,967,296) instructions.

You can actually read a program stream contents using certain editor – normally called HEX editor. Using these special text editors you can look atrepparttar 107650 instructions in binary, hexadecimal, octal, and decimal format.

I’ll coverrepparttar 107651 details of what each ofrepparttar 107652 above format (hex, oct and dec) means in other article.

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