Your Dream Home In France - Moving Money To France

Written by Oliver Phillips

Continued from page 1

Better yet, both spot and forward methods are available. The former converts your money atrepparttar prevailing exchange rate whenrepparttar 125278 money transfer is made and isrepparttar 125279 method most of us use unknowingly, whereasrepparttar 125280 forward method allows you to fixrepparttar 125281 exchange rate up to 24 months is advance ofrepparttar 125282 transfer, useful if you believerepparttar 125283 exchange rate will fall byrepparttar 125284 time you actually make your transfer.

This article only provides a general appreciation ofrepparttar 125285 topic and it is not advice. Guidance should be sought from a specialist who is qualified to advise in your specific circumstances.

Copyright 2005 Oliver Phillips. May be freely reproduced "as-is" for private and commercial use.

Oliver Phillips works for PFS France ( a business that helps French property owners advertise and sell, and potential buyers find, some of the finest and best cared for traditional French properties available.

Don’t Know What You Want in Life? Play a Game.

Written by Kate Hufstetler

Continued from page 1
-- What type of housing would it be? Picture it clearly. Write it out—everything about it. * What would you do? -- What hobbies would you explore? Sports? Arts? Intellectual pursuits? Travel? -- Would you (with so much freetime) enjoy working / donating your time somewhere? What career would you pursue if you could pursue it simply because you wanted to spend your days that way while working? * What kinds of vacations would you take? -- To where? For how long? * What would you do materially for yourself and your family? -- What kinds of things would you buy to fill your house ideally? What types of vehicles? What types of clothing? How much for vacations, college funds, help with your parents in retirement, preparing for your own retirement, weddings & proms & graduations forrepparttar kids, etc.

This isrepparttar 125277 start ofrepparttar 125278 game. It takes a while to truly allow yourself to dream sometimes—but that is exactly what you need to be able to do in order to find out where your hearts desires lie. While this isrepparttar 125279 start ofrepparttar 125280 game, once you are armed withrepparttar 125281 answers to these questions you will have a GREAT idea of where to begin in your pursuits ofrepparttar 125282 life you want. IF, after doing this work, you still don’t know where to begin to manifest these dreams into reality…then check your local and internet listings for a life coach or a personal coach that can work with you according to your timing and financial budgets. There are thousands of great coaches out there that would love nothing better than to see you achieve your dreams.

Until next time--- allrepparttar 125283 best, Kate

Kate Hufstetler is a personal life coach and spiritual facilitator who has helped many individuals like yourself. She offers coaching services via email and phone consultations. Her specialty is to cut through delusions that keep people living a mediocre unsatisfying life, to get them to engage reality, initiate changes in order to propel them to the life they truly desire.

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