Your Diet Won't Lower Cholesterol As Much As You Think!

Written by Phil Beckett

Continued from page 1

And with no negative side effects! (The only side effect reported was weight loss.)

What You Really Need To Lower Cholesterol:

Two key ingredients to look for in any natural cholesterol product used to effectively lower cholesterol are policosanol and guggulipid extract.

Policosanol is an extract from sugar cane wax and has been repparttar subject of multiple clinical trials, all of which have outperformedrepparttar 115621 statins.

Guggulipid, onrepparttar 115622 other hand, is an ancient herb from India extracted fromrepparttar 115623 guggul tree.

Studies have shown an interesting added benefit from guggulipid: it has been more effective than prescription tetracycline when used orally for treating nodulocystic acne.

It also assists inrepparttar 115624 lowering of triglycerides and weight loss.

What You Need To Know In Order To Lower Cholesterol:

With all of these benefits, it would seem that finding any natural formula containing these two ingredients is a sure bet.

But take caution; there are many products currently onrepparttar 115625 market claiming to use policosanol to lower cholesterol, but are in fact using octacosanol, which is an incomplete form of policosanol.

Octacosanol does not exhibitrepparttar 115626 same results as true policosanol in clinical trials.

Any product formulated to lower cholesterol must be manufactured at a pharmaceutical GMP compliant facility and its ingredients verified with a certificate of analysis to confirmrepparttar 115627 potency.

This is very important because studies completed by private and government institutions have shown that consumers only have a 1 in 5 chance of actually buying a product, to lower cholesterol, withrepparttar 115628 actual amount of ingredients stated onrepparttar 115629 label, or one that isn't contaminated.

Only one company, providing solutions to lower cholesterol, hasrepparttar 115630 strictest regulatory environments inrepparttar 115631 world for repparttar 115632 manufacture of dietary supplements, far exceeding U.S. FDA standards.

For more information on how to lower your cholesterol, please visit:

Phil Beckett is the President & C.E.O of Physique Concepts Inc. and is the author of 3 very popular and successful health & fitness books and designs customized strength training, flexibility training, weight loss and cardiovascular exercise programs. He has trained and educated more than 3000 clients all ages, interests, and limitations, in health, fitness and nutrition, both on-line and off-line for more than 15 years.

A personal view on Reiki

Written by Stephen Floyd

Continued from page 1

· Just for today I shall not get angry

· Just for today I shall work honestly

· Just for today I shall respect all life

· Just for today I shall count my blessings

Dr Usui then went on to teach others overrepparttar years what he had learnt, and indeed my teacher Sue has a direct lineage going back to Dr Usui, and sue

taught me and now I am part of that ‘family tree’.

What is Reiki…..

Rei (universal) Ki (life force), isrepparttar 115620 translation of it, andrepparttar 115621 theory goes that a Reiki Healer draws down energy fromrepparttar 115622 universe and channels it though

their body intorepparttar 115623 patient, who then accepts as much as they need. The energy is applied by contact withrepparttar 115624 seven chakra centres ofrepparttar 115625 body, andrepparttar 115626

contact is made by laying hands on a persons body relating torepparttar 115627 Chakra centres, or holdingrepparttar 115628 hand over those centres. The use of symbols are also

employed,repparttar 115629 ones that Dr Ursi found on top of his mountain,repparttar 115630 symbols are formed by hand movements, and spoken silently. The patients body

accepts what it needs (both on a physical and spiritual level), clearing blocked energies, easingrepparttar 115631 mind, calmingrepparttar 115632 Sprit. It helpsrepparttar 115633 body and mind to

heal itself.

Treatments can last for up to an hour, and normally a series of these are required, depending on what is found onrepparttar 115634 initial treatment. Reiki is ALWAYS

used as a complimentary treatment, and some Doctors and even some vets, approve ofrepparttar 115635 treatments (scientific tests were carried out in America, and

hard evidence was found as torepparttar 115636 beneficial effects of Reiki). It can be used for headaches, broken bones (after they have been set), even for

emergency treatments,repparttar 115637 important thing to realise about Reiki is that it does no harm, whatever you believe aboutrepparttar 115638 energies involved.

My Experience……

I am now a Level 2 Reiki student, which means I can practise Reiki,repparttar 115639 next level is 3 which isrepparttar 115640 Master level, whenrepparttar 115641 time comes to take this I will, I

do not need it to work with patients, but I will need it if I am to teach it. I have used Reiki on a number of patients now, and each one has been different.

The Reiki energy can be used on anything, a glass of water to make it taste sweeter, seeds to help them grow, and once by myself on my car CD played

which had stopped working, so I gave it a good Reiki and it worked! Seriously though it is almost impossible to put into words how it feels to give, or

receive, Reiki, it’s something that you have to experience.

Conclusion/My Thoughts….

I have always thought myself to have a scientific, quite logical mind, I like to see cause and effect in things, like to know why things happen, and liked to

keep a healthy scepticism about things, and still do. My initial encounter with Reiki kind of bypassed all that, and raised a lot of questions in me, some of

which I am still looking for answers, Reiki was not a great revelation for me but just another step on this path I have taken. Whatever you believe,

whatever level it works on, Reiki does work and sometimes you have to trust your feelings and yourself. Everyday of our lives we all use Reiki

unconsciously, it is a perfectly natural thing, all my teaching do is to give that a discipline, a method to use it, and ways of enhancing it. To me giving

Reiki is a very personal thing, I get quite lost giving it sometimes, and sometimesrepparttar 115642 effect can be cathartic (make things worse to make them better),

all I can say is keep an open mind and give it a try, and you will then understand why it is so hard to write about this.

I will not give you web addresses for this or books to read, there are numerous of those out there, I suggest you try it first and then look these up. What I

will give you is my email address if you have any questions for me or would like to know more about Reiki and I will be happy

to help.

Remember….just for today….

Take care

Stephen Floyd

Reiki is one of the most popular forms of healing in the world and many thousands have trained to be Reiki healers and many thousands more have felt

its benefits. In this article, Stephen Floyd a practitioner from England introduces us to this powerful healing art. This article was first published at

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