Your Body is a Mirror of Your Life

Written by Martin Brofman, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1
The Human Directional System We can say that we have an inner guidance system, a connection to our Higher Self, or our Inner Being, or whatever name we choose to give this Higher Intelligence. This inner guidance system functions through what we call our intuition, or our instinct. It speaks a very simple language. Either it feels good, or it doesn't. Allrepparttar rest is just politics. We are told we should move with what feels good, and do not do what doesn't feel good to us. We are told to trust this inner voice. When we don't follow this inner voice we feel tension. We feel not-good. Then,repparttar 131321 voice must get louder. The next level of communication is throughrepparttar 131322 emotions. As we move more and more inrepparttar 131323 direction that feels not-good, we experience more and more emotions that feel not-good, and at some point we can say, "I should have listened to myself when I thought to move inrepparttar 131324 other direction." That meant that we heardrepparttar 131325 inner voice. Otherwise, we could not have said, "I should have listened." If we makerepparttar 131326 decision we know isrepparttar 131327 right one for us, and therefore change direction, there is a release of tension, we feel better, and we know we are again onrepparttar 131328 right track. If we continue to move inrepparttar 131329 direction that feels not-good,repparttar 131330 communication reachesrepparttar 131331 physical level. We create a symptom, andrepparttar 131332 symptom speaks a language which reflectsrepparttar 131333 idea that we each create our own reality. When we describerepparttar 131334 symptom from that point of view, we can understandrepparttar 131335 message. If we change our way of being, we have receivedrepparttar 131336 message, andrepparttar 131337 symptom has no further reason for being. It is able to be released, according to whatever we allow ourselves to believe is possible. If we createdrepparttar 131338 symptom with a decision, we are also able to release it with a decision. As an hypothesis, we can imagine that someone makes a decision that it is not a good idea to express what they want. From that moment, whenever there is something they want, they keep themselves from expressing it, and therefore from having what they want. That feels not-good. The tension grows. They feel more and more not-good as they keep themselves from expressing what they want and not having it. Eventually, something happens to create a symptom onrepparttar 131339 physical level, and their right arm is affected. It could have happened through falling from a ladder, or in an automobile accident, or by pinching a nerve inrepparttar 131340 neck, or by "sleeping in a draft." Something had to happen onrepparttar 131341 physical level to createrepparttar 131342 symptom, in order to giverepparttar 131343 personrepparttar 131344 message onrepparttar 131345 physical level about what they had been doing to themselves. We do to ourselves literally what we have been doing to ourselves figuratively. The effect is thatrepparttar 131346 person cannot move their arm. They are keeping themselves from reaching for something, and since it isrepparttar 131347 right arm, onrepparttar 131348 "will" side ofrepparttar 131349 body, they are keeping themselves from reaching for or going for what they want. They have been giving themselves reasons to not believe that they could have what they want. When they begin to do something different in their consciousness, they notice that something different begins to happen with their arm, andrepparttar 131350 symptom is able to be released.

Martin Brofman, Ph.D. teacher, healer, author, architect of the Body Mirror System of Healing, is the Founder and Director of the Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing.

AIDS - A Healer's Point of View

Written by Martin Brofman, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1
It is obvious, for example, that we could not tell Russia that Chernobyl was their problem. We have seen that events in one country can have effects on other countries, if not worldwide. We have become obliged to think in more global terms, and in fact, we have begun to do so. AIDS, like any other out-of-balance condition, can be healed. What it takes is love. One young man in San Francisco who had developed AIDS was given a radical therapy, which reversedrepparttar effects ofrepparttar 131320 disease and resulted in his recovery. He had to walk throughrepparttar 131321 streets carrying balloons, being obviously different, and when passers-by would look at him, he had to give them a card saying, "I love you." At first, he felt very conspicuous. The second day, it was easier. Byrepparttar 131322 third day, he really did feelrepparttar 131323 love for these other Beings that were seeing him as different - and he also felt loved, even with his differences. He recovered. Louise Hay, an extraordinary American healer, has had much success with reversing AIDS by focusing onrepparttar 131324 aspects of forgiveness and self-acceptance, and using therapies emphasizing these qualities. Her successes showrepparttar 131325 effectiveness of this approach ofrepparttar 131326 heart. She has had more success with AIDS patients than any other individual I have heard of. Inrepparttar 131327 experience of this writer regardingrepparttar 131328 healings of AIDS patients,repparttar 131329 consistent factor wasrepparttar 131330 imbalance ofrepparttar 131331 heart chakra, andrepparttar 131332 poor quality ofrepparttar 131333 relationships in their lives. One young man who was able to open to receive love during a healing was later told by his doctor that he didn't have AIDS after all, but just a systemic fungus infection, Candida. Another who recovered was told by his doctor thatrepparttar 131334 original diagnosis must have been a mistake. People can recover from AIDS when they learn to recognizerepparttar 131335 love, and trust it, and place themselves in relationships that are nurturing, rather than punishing. That is, they learn to stop punishing themselves, and so allow themselves to be nurtured. They learn to accept themselves, and even to accept others who do not accept them. With acceptance, with love,repparttar 131336 heart chakra can again function normally, restoring strength torepparttar 131337 thymus gland, and therefore torepparttar 131338 immune system. The individual can then decide that there is something to live for, after all, since love is again in their lives. The flow of energy is restored, resulting in a return torepparttar 131339 experience of wholeness that we know as health. We are Beings of energy. When we block or interruptrepparttar 131340 flow of this energy,repparttar 131341 result is illness or injury. Sometimes this happens as a call for love. We each haverepparttar 131342 ability to restorerepparttar 131343 flow of energy, and provide an abundance of love where there was a perception of lack. When we do this, a healing happens. It is imperative, now, that we keep our hearts open, and replace judgments with acceptance. It is vital that we learn to love even more, and to allow ourselves to be loved. We must relate in our relationships, and use communication to clear misunderstandings and disagreements. When we can keep ourselves in a loving space, we will have a positive effect on our environment, a healing effect. With our hearts open torepparttar 131344 love all around us, and fully accepting ourselves, we will not be creatingrepparttar 131345 conditions in which AIDS develops. The answer is acceptance. The answer is love. (c) Copyright Martin Brofman 1990

Martin Brofman, Ph.D. teacher, healer, author, architect of the Body Mirror System of Healing, is the Founder and Director of the Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing.

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