You lost your debit card -- how much do you pay?

Written by Drahcir Semaj

Continued from page 1

Inrepparttar event that your debit card is lost or stolen, there are certain steps you need to take immediately to limit your responsibility for fraudulent charges.

First, callrepparttar 112134 issuing bank and cancelrepparttar 112135 card immediately! If you contactrepparttar 112136 bank and cancelrepparttar 112137 card before any charges are made onrepparttar 112138 card you won’t be held responsible for any charges. Even if you think you lostrepparttar 112139 card and that you may find it, it’s safer to cancelrepparttar 112140 card and limit your liability. Make sure that you keep a written record ofrepparttar 112141 date, time and who you spoke to atrepparttar 112142 issuing bank.

Second, file a police report. Whether or not your bank requires it, you should file a police report with your local police department. Inrepparttar 112143 event that a negative entry is made on your credit report about charges that were fraudulent, you’ll needrepparttar 112144 report to prove that you didn’t makerepparttar 112145 charges.

The best way to prevent fraudulent charges on your card is to keep your card and account numbers out ofrepparttar 112146 hands of thieves. Identity thieves are extremely sophisticated and they don’t need to haverepparttar 112147 physical card to drain your account, all they need certain information fromrepparttar 112148 card. Here are some steps that you should take to protect yourself from card thieves.

Be aware of your surroundings. If you use your debit card at an ATM machine, make sure that you’re aware of who is around you and shieldrepparttar 112149 keyboard with your body when entering your personal identification number (PIN).

When using a drive up ATM, make sure thatrepparttar 112150 area is well lit and is in view of passing traffic. Don’t use an ATM in a neighborhood you feel uncomfortable in.

Check outrepparttar 112151 ATM machine. If there is a transparent overlay onrepparttar 112152 ATM keyboard don’t userepparttar 112153 machine. ATM thieves use keyboard overlays to capture PINs. Also, if there is a detached card reader next torepparttar 112154 machine, take your business elsewhere: these devices are used to capture debit card data.

Don’t use your debit card for online purchases, use your credit card. If online thieves get your debit card information they can drain your bank account; if they get your credit card information they can only make charges up torepparttar 112155 credit limit ofrepparttar 112156 card. It’s much easier and less costly to dispute credit card charges than charges than withdrawals from your bank account.

Commit your PIN to memory, don’t write it down. Don’t give your PIN to anyone, not even someone atrepparttar 112157 issuing bank.

Using your debit card to pay for purchases is convenient and fast, but it also exposes you to numerous risks. Be card smart: keep track of your debit card, monitor your bank account on a regular basis, take precautions when using your debit card, and, if your card is lost or stolen, report it immediately.

Drahcir Semaj is a St. Cloud, MN based freelance writer who writes about health and personal finance issues. He can be contacted at his email address:

A Secret Revealed: Why Most (Day) Traders Fail

Written by Floyd Snyder

Continued from page 1

When I was trading I made a lot of good trades knowing who to follow and who not to follow. Yet, inrepparttar long run, I do not believe you can make a living doing that. The biggest problem in following other traders is being too far behindrepparttar 112133 trade because you are "following" and not leading. I think each and every trader has to becomerepparttar 112134 very best trader he can possibly be, on his own. He needs to get there as fast as he can. Following more experienced traders can be a means to this end and can help get you started, but it cannot berepparttar 112135 end. This takes planning.

A basic trading plan will take in your long-term goals and objectives as a trader. You'll have to decide if you want to try to make a career out of trading, or just be a part time trader. Once you have decided this you can make other decisions such as how much money you would like to make at either full time or part time trading. Your money goals have to be realistic. They can't just be, "I want to make as much money as I can". These basic decisions will determinerepparttar 112136 time and money you will have to commit.

Your trading plan should be on going, constantly evolving and eventually contain things like how many days, weeks, and hours you will need to trade to meet your goals. If it is as detailed as I think it should be, you would know how many trades per day and how much profit per trade you will have to average. Of course, these things will have to be developed over time and added to your plan as you go and as you gain more knowledge.

There are many excellent books on learning to day trade. My favorites are found at

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Floyd Snyder has been trading and investing in the stock market for three decades. He was on the forefront of the day trading craze that swept nation back in late1990's both as a trader and as the moderator of one of the Internet's largest real time trading rooms. He is the owner of, Strictly Business Magazine at, and

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