You Don't Know Jack!

Written by Donald Schnell

Continued from page 1

What was it like to work out with Jack La Lanne?

If he were here with you today, he'd probably say….

“Hey? Why are you sitting down? If you've been sitting for more than 30 minutes, you've got to stand up!”

“Reach up. Reach forrepparttar ceiling. Stand tall. Repeat this three more times. Try to reach a little higher with each attempt.”

“What else can I do?”

“Start with one minute of exercise.”

“Just one minute?”

“Yes! The important thing, more thanrepparttar 115641 minutes is to createrepparttar 115642 habit of exercise. It is better to startrepparttar 115643 habit and stay with it every day then to start and quit.”

We used to tell Jack all of our excuses as to why we would miss a day. He was a professional excuse killer.

“Jack, I wanted to exercise today, but I didn't have time.”

“You don't have one minute?” he would say.

Stand up. Stand behind your chair. Hold onto it with your hands. Now rise up and down on your toes forrepparttar 115644 next 60 seconds. Slow downrepparttar 115645 repetitions if you need to.

Every day add another minute of exercise. Walk in place. Try pushups.

Let me review. Every 30 minutes stand up for a minute. Reach forrepparttar 115646 ceiling.

Rise up and down on your toes. Add a minute of exercise to your life everyday until you are performing 30 minutes.

In one week you will be doing 7 minutes of exercise. You will surprise yourself at how much exercise this is. More importantly, you will be creatingrepparttar 115647 exercise habit in your life.

No more excuses. Now isrepparttar 115648 time to exercise your mind and body and to keep youthful.

Yours for success and health,

Donald Schnell

Dr. Donald Schnell co- founded with Marilyn Diamond of Fit For Life, the Spiritual Java Diet Coaching Program, that is transforming thousands. The New Spiritual Diet, Incredible Value, One on One coaching Amazing Results. or email: Donald Schnell is the author of The Initiation. Free Motivational Newsletter, The Buzz

The Destructive Aspects of Anger

Written by Newton Hightower

Continued from page 1

Each episode of anger or hostility sets off a physiological response in your body causing your heart to beat faster, your blood pressure to rise, your coronary arteries to narrow, and your blood to become thicker. Whenrepparttar blood becomes thicker,repparttar 115640 heart has to work harder to pump it. For people with heart disease, this reaction can reduce blood flow torepparttar 115641 heart, creating a potentially fatal condition.

A study done by Dr. Ichiro Kawachi, ofrepparttar 115642 Harvard School of Public Health, examined about 1,300 older men (average age of 62) over a seven-year period. Dr. Kawachi found that those men withrepparttar 115643 highest levels of anger were three times more likely to develop heart disease than men withrepparttar 115644 lowest levels of anger.

Other researchers at Union Memorial Hospital and Loyola College of Maryland in Baltimore interviewed 41 patients who just had angioplasties to unclog arteries. Those who scored highest in hostility (Hostile Type A) were 2.5 times more likely to need repeat angioplasty withinrepparttar 115645 year. Furthermore, contrary torepparttar 115646 common advice from friends and therapists to "get it all out" when angry, verbally berating partners or expressing hostility towards other people only serves to compromise physical health.

Newton Hightower is the Director of The Center for Anger Resolution, Inc. in Houston, Texas, and author of the new book "Anger Busting 101: New ABCs for Angry Men and the Women Who Love Them." Visit Newton's website for anger- busting ideas and a free email newsletter filled with guest articles and tips for husbands, wives, and therapists.

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