You Can Stop Biting Your Nails, Here's How!

Written by Kevin Hamill

Continued from page 1

In what situations do I sub-consciously start to bite my nails?

All you nail-biters out there know what I mean! You bring your fingers to your mouth without even thinking about it. For me, as it is for most people, it was stress situations causing me to do this. I was also guilty when I was thinking, panicked, nervous and worried. As you can tell, this covers a lot of situations and feelings, so I was biting my nails a lot.

Even with all these feelings causing me to bite my nails, I have quit this habit. I did it by being conscious of these causes and therefore my emotions. In other words, when I was getting nervous, or panicked, I would be mindful ofrepparttar situation and somewhat control my emotions. I would realize that I was in this emotional state. Withrepparttar 115462 thought inrepparttar 115463 back of my mind not to bite my nails, I wouldn't do it. This isrepparttar 115464 key to quitting this habit. This isrepparttar 115465 only permanent solution. Try this and you will be pleasantly surprised withrepparttar 115466 results. A spin-off of this method is being generally more relaxed and in control. I found myself being able to handle pressure situations better because I was more in control, not only of my nail biting, but of my entire emotional state.

© 2003 by Kevin Hamill

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Kevin is a professional engineer who has fought this habit for over 20 years. After finally defeating the habit, he has decided to share the mental approach in this article.

Flu Prevention and the Gym Member

Written by Jon Gestl, CSCS

Continued from page 1

Obtainingrepparttar vaccine does not guarantee a flu-free season, however. Influenza viruses are constantly changing, and vaccine effectiveness depends onrepparttar 115461 match between vaccine strains and circulating viruses andrepparttar 115462 age and health status ofrepparttar 115463 person gettingrepparttar 115464 shot. Althoughrepparttar 115465 strain in this year's flu vaccine is different fromrepparttar 115466 circulating strain,repparttar 115467 CDC states that studies indicate thatrepparttar 115468 vaccine should provide some cross-protection againstrepparttar 115469 circulating A strain.

Some people resist gettingrepparttar 115470 flu shot because ofrepparttar 115471 belief that they will get severe side effects, or evenrepparttar 115472 flu itself, fromrepparttar 115473 vaccine. The viruses inrepparttar 115474 vaccine are inactivated, so you cannot getrepparttar 115475 flu from a flu shot. Certain side effects are possible, such as soreness, redness, or swelling whererepparttar 115476 shot was given, fever (low grade), and aches.

Chances thatrepparttar 115477 shot will cause serious harm, or death, is very small and allergic reactions torepparttar 115478 vaccine, though possible, are rare, statesrepparttar 115479 CDC. Most people who getrepparttar 115480 vaccine have no serious problems with it. However,repparttar 115481 following groups should not get a flu shot before talking with their doctor:

People with an allergy to hens' eggs. People who have had a severe reaction to a flu shot inrepparttar 115482 past. People who have developed Guillian-Barre Syndrome inrepparttar 115483 6 weeks following a flu shot.

Since obtaining vaccination doesn't necessarily guarantee immunity againstrepparttar 115484 flu, it is wise to add common sense to our prevention efforts while we are busy pumping iron atrepparttar 115485 health club. Old fashioned hand-hygiene can go a long way in helping to prevent flu transmission. Although you don't want to spend your entire workout running torepparttar 115486 restroom to wash your hands after every set, it's certainly advisable to make sure your hands are clean before and afterrepparttar 115487 workout. Refrain from touching your nose and mouth duringrepparttar 115488 workout to avoid obtainingrepparttar 115489 virus. Use of hand-antiseptics which include alcohol can also help to prevent transmission ofrepparttar 115490 flu virus.

What to do if you getrepparttar 115491 flu So what if you obtain a flu shot, practice stellar hand-hygiene and manage to contractrepparttar 115492 flu anyway? Since it is impossible to tell if you haverepparttar 115493 flu based on symptoms alone, visit your doctor. Tests can be performed inrepparttar 115494 first few days ofrepparttar 115495 illness to determinerepparttar 115496 diagnosis. Since influenza is caused by a virus, antibiotics won't work to cure it. You need to rest, drink plenty of fluids, avoid using alcohol and tobacco, and possibly take medication to relieve symptoms.

The CDC warns never to give aspirin to children or teenagers who have flu-like symptoms, particularly fever, without speaking to your doctor. Doing so can cause a rare but serious illness called Reye syndrome.

By all accounts, we may be in store for a particularly harsh flu season this year. Take precaution to reducerepparttar 115497 likelihood of gettingrepparttar 115498 flu, particularly if you are an avid gym-goer. Preventative measures may not only help to avoidrepparttar 115499 flu, but also interrupting hard earned progress on your fitness goals.

For more information aboutrepparttar 115500 flu, it's transmission, prevention and treatment, check outrepparttar 115501 CDC website at

Jon Gestl, CSCS, is a certified personal fitness trainer and instructor in Chicago specializing in in-home and in-office fitness training. He is a United States National Aerobic Champion silver and bronze medalist and world-ranked sportaerobic competitor. He can be contacted at

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