You CAN Stop Morning Breath!

Written by Dr. Harold Katz

Continued from page 1

And as I talk about in my article on dry mouth ....this creates an environment that is very conducive for 'morning breath'. (Saliva is nature's way of protecting us from bad breath, because healthy saliva contains high concentrations of oxygen -repparttar natural enemy of anaerobic bacteria.) So if you get morning breath after a good night of sleep - don't worry, you're not alone!

But what most people don't know (and this includes most medical and dental professionals), is that morning breath is NOT something that you have to live with.

The key is to find a way to stoprepparttar 115439 production of VSC's (volatile sulfur compounds) duringrepparttar 115440 night as you are asleep. One way would be to increaserepparttar 115441 production of saliva withinrepparttar 115442 back of your throat and mouth duringrepparttar 115443 night. But this is very difficult to do - after all, you're asleep! And those of us who are mouth breathers are drying outrepparttar 115444 back of our throats with each breath that we take throughoutrepparttar 115445 night.

When I first started treating my own daughter's breath problem 10 years ago, I never dreamed that I would end up helping so many people all overrepparttar 115446 world who hadrepparttar 115447 same problem, which my fellow dentists ignored or misdiagnosed for far too long. It was only a few years into our clinical therapy that I realized that "Every case of bad breath is different and that there is no such thing as one formula to treat every case of halitosis."

From my clinical tests atrepparttar 115448 California Breath Clinics (office visits available in Los Angeles and San Francisco), we've found that we can help our patients prevent bad breath, sinus congestion, and lousy tastes. If there is anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate to contact us - that's why we're here!

Uncover the REAL Causes of Bad Breath! Dr. Harold Katz, founder of the California Breath Clinics, is a worldwide expert on the topics of bad breath, halitosis and dry mouth.

His 'Bad Breath Bible' is an easy-to-read guide to help YOU enjoy fresh breath every day for the rest of your life. Request your free copy at:

Post-Nasal Drip and Its Effect on Bad Breath

Written by Dr. Harold Katz

Continued from page 1

Suffice it to say, this should NOT be an option that you pursue.

Use a Nasal-Irrigator to Flush Your Sinuses free from Excess Mucus

Nasal Irrigation is probablyrepparttar most effective method of eliminating post-nasal drip and helping to control sinus infections. A short period of regular use can stimulaterepparttar 115438 cilia (the tiny hair-like fibers inrepparttar 115439 nasal sinus passages) to restore their natural protective "sweeping & cleansing" action.

When you feel a sinus condition come on, or feel that you have persistent post-nasal drip and excess mucus, consistent daily use for 10 days should result in a clearing ofrepparttar 115440 condition.

Stop Bad Breath Associated with Post-Nasal Drip, Excess Mucus, and Sinus Problems

For people who don't really have sinus problems, just "off and on" or seasonal post-nasal drip, then an alternative (and better) solution might be to minimizerepparttar 115441 amount of excess mucus inrepparttar 115442 back ofrepparttar 115443 throat and more importantly to make sure you neutralizerepparttar 115444 odor caused by this excess mucus.

You see,repparttar 115445 proteins in mucus make an excellent food source forrepparttar 115446 anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath. The bacteria feed offrepparttar 115447 amino acids, Methionine and Cysteine, and create extremely odorous and lousy-tasting Volatile Sulfur Compounds as by-products, which arerepparttar 115448 odors and lousy tastes found inrepparttar 115449 medical condition halitosis, which YOU (or maybe everyone around you) more commonly knows as bad breath.

When I first started treating my own daughter's breath problem 10 years ago, I never dreamed that I would end up helping so many people all overrepparttar 115450 world who hadrepparttar 115451 same problem, which my fellow dentists ignored or misdiagnosed for far too long. It was only a few years into our clinical therapy that I realized that "Every case of bad breath is different and that there is no such thing as one formula to treat every case of halitosis."

For a decade now, we've been here to help our patients prevent bad breath, sinus congestion, and lousy tastes. If there is anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate to contact us - that's why we're here!

Uncover the REAL Causes of Bad Breath! Dr. Harold Katz, founder of the California Breath Clinics, is a worldwide expert on the topics of bad breath, halitosis and dry mouth.

His 'Bad Breath Bible' is an easy-to-read guide to help YOU enjoy fresh breath every day for the rest of your life. Request your free copy at:

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