You Are Not Your Stuff

Written by Clyde Dennis

Continued from page 1
be understood and kept in perspective. It needs to be remembered that this stuff does not make you you. What makes you you arerepparttar things that you really can’t even see or touch. Things you can only show off, ironically enough, by being you. What makes you you isrepparttar 128703 way you feel when something happens that makes a REAL smile wash over your face. One of those smiles that your whole body gets into. What makes you you isrepparttar 128704 size ofrepparttar 128705 smile in your heart when your child falls asleep in your lap. These things that make you you cannot be bought in any store. Not even a Wal-Mart Super Center. (That’s aboutrepparttar 128706 only thing you can’t get there though.)

Your are not your stuff. That’s what I stopped by to tell you this week. You’re much more than your stuff. Sometimes that seems to gets lost inrepparttar 128707 shuffle. If you’ve been busy chasing and trying to acquire things I’m hoping you’re starting to realize things are a poor substitutes forrepparttar 128708 real stuff. Nothing can replacerepparttar 128709 feelings. Stop trying to buy your way torepparttar 128710 feelings you want. Save your money. Just FEEL.

Maybe who ever said "the best things in life are free" was right...

Just a little something to think about.

Thanks for sitting with me.

Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.


Clyde Dennis, a.k.a. "Mr. How-To" has been writing and publishing Articles and Newsletters online since 1999. Clyde's company EASYHow-To Publications provides "How-To" information on How-To do, be or have just about anything one can imagine. For more information visit Email correspondence for Clyde should be sent to: cdennis at

Why bother about your life?

Written by Caroline Jalango

Continued from page 1

5. You are qualified, trained or experienced.

You have invested a lot in terms of time and money and you have what it takes to accomplish what you want.

6. Others are waiting to be enriched by you.

You have something special to offerrepparttar world and people are waiting for you to manifest this gift and bless their lives.

7. You’ve finally realizedrepparttar 128701 importance of your dream, idea or goal and you must take action.

The only justice that can be done to capturerepparttar 128702 importance of your idea or goal is to take action and turn it into reality.

8. You’ve got to give yourself a chance to attain what you want.

Your foremost responsibility is to yourself. You have to put your best foot forward at all times and do everything necessary to ensure that you do your best to succeed. 9. Opportunities are waiting to be seized.

There are so many opportunities that are waiting to be seized by someone who will take a risk and do what is required. That someone is you!

10. The dreaming phase is over and it is now time to take your idea, goal or project torepparttar 128703 next level.

The time for visualizations, mental calculations on how ideas work and talkingrepparttar 128704 talk must comes to an end. When this occurs, a new action phase begins and you must embrace it.

Caroline is a life coach for women who have a real desire to take the first or next step towards living an exceptional life wherever they are. She coaches women to discover who they are, explore what they can be and take action to achieve their goals.

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