You've Got a New Website, But How Do You Get Folks to Look at it?

Written by Robert Thompson

Continued from page 1

There are two basic types of links; reciprocal links and one way links. Reciprocal links occur when you trade links with another website. These are important because not only do they help in your rankings, they also generate traffic fromrepparttar sites that you link to. One way links are a bit different. These are links that point people to your site, but do not point your visitors away from your site. As a result, they are more valuable. Not too many webmasters are willing to give away one way links, but there are a couple of good techniques that you can use to get them.

1. Write articles and offer them for publication. You will be pleasantly surprised byrepparttar 116553 number of sites and Ezines that are looking for quality articles to use for content. By placing your resource box atrepparttar 116554 end ofrepparttar 116555 article, and including a link to your site, you can generate dozens, if not hundreds of one way links to your site. To find sites that accept articles, simply do a search for 'Free Website Content.' You will find several good sites. Also think about joiningrepparttar 116556 Directory of Ezines. Many ofrepparttar 116557 publications listed there accept articles, and some of them will even invite you to write for them on a regular basis.

2. Visit several forums and bulletin boards that deal with stay at home jobs. Especially, those that are directly related to your field of expertise. Many of these allow you to include your URL in your signature block. By participating in these forums, you will be able to create many more one way links to your site. Just make sure that you offer sound advice, and make relevant posts. If you don't, you could be considered a nuisance or worse, a spammer.

The addition of content inrepparttar 116558 form of articles and links to your site should be an ongoing process. If you concentrate on these two things and continually add to your site, you will not only move up inrepparttar 116559 search engine rankings, but you will end up with a site that has great value to your visitors. Add to your site every day. Remember, you are in competition with a lot of other related websites, and chances are,they are already be doing this.

Robert Thompson is retired from the United States Air Force. Since his retirement, he has operated several successful businesses. He is a proud Team Leader with SFI and operates Stay at Home Jobs offers a wide variety of informative articles and features for the home business entrepreneur. Membership is free. For a free copy of the Stay at Home Jobs Newsletter, send a blank Email to

How To Hit The Competition Without Losing The Customer

Written by Ray L. Edwards

Continued from page 1

Another effective way is to quote credible sources such as Consumer Report magazine. Such organizations are not supported by advertisers and so their results carry real weight withrepparttar consumer. There are other such third-party organization that are considered neutral and their conclusions credible.

Outside of such organization you can point to reviews done by users of your products whererepparttar 116552 reviews are not used as an affiliate advertising tool. You are looking to erase all bias in these comparisons.

You may also be wondering how to addressrepparttar 116553 case where your product is obviously inferior to that of your competitor's. In such a situation, you simply admit your faults openly. There are times when extra features can be a useless luxury. For some people, a car is just a convenience to take them from point A to point B. They may not needrepparttar 116554 luxuries of a Porsche or haverepparttar 116555 money to pay for such an expensive vehicle.

So let's say you were selling an autoresponder script that is definitely not as feature-rich as another script. You can state: "If you are looking for high-end script capable of emailing to a million-strong list and having allrepparttar 116556 fancy features that you'll never even bother to use, then this script is NOT for you. However, if you are looking for a small but rugged program that will deliver your emails, without allrepparttar 116557 bells and whistles (and accompanying high price) thenrepparttar 116558 Maxemailer is for you."

Right away you see that you are showingrepparttar 116559 customer that your script will dorepparttar 116560 main thing that a product like yours should do, without having to invest a large amount of money in its purchase. You are admitting that your script is lacking in many features, but inrepparttar 116561 end these components may not be necessary to getrepparttar 116562 job done.

In addition, by admitting to your products 'weak side' you build instant credibility withrepparttar 116563 customer. Many marketers think that they have to hype their products in order to get sales. But many marketing tests have shown that if you admit torepparttar 116564 disadvantages of using your product, sales increase!

Here is how I hitrepparttar 116565 competition on my copywriting service website:

"In fact, I insist that you make a side-by-side comparison of my copywriting results with that of any other copywriter. Then after doing a 'split test' (i.e. run my copy against theirs) you can judge for yourselfrepparttar 116566 selling power of my copy."

For an online business, your competitors are just one click away. Challenge your website visitors to shop around and compare. Most will not.

They'll buy from you instead!

Ray L. Edwards is a published author, copywriter and internet marketing consultant. He has made tens of thousands of dollars for his copywriting clients. Being an online market himself,he understands what it takes to sell online and welcomes your inquiry about his master copywriting service.

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