Yorkshire Terrier Complete Profile

Written by Dooziedog.com

Continued from page 1

Grooming: Yorkshire Terriers need thorough daily grooming with a brush and comb. Some pet owners choose to haverepparttar coat trimmed, if unable to meet these grooming demands. The hair is usually kept out ofrepparttar 147970 eyes with a bow tied in a top knot. The ears should be checked regularly andrepparttar 147971 loose hairs need to be removed fromrepparttar 147972 ear canals. If these dogs are being shownrepparttar 147973 coat is usually protected, by being rolled up in curling papers.

Exercise: This breed is suitable for a flat or small home as they don't need much exercise. Yorkshire Terriers generally adapt to their family activities for their exercise needs.

History: The Yorkshire Terrier has evolved fromrepparttar 147974 Waterside Terrier, a small longish coated terrier seen in Yorkshire for many years,repparttar 147975 Skye Terrier andrepparttar 147976 old English rough coated Black and Tan Terrier. It was inrepparttar 147977 middle ofrepparttar 147978 19th century that these crosses resulted in a distinct breed type. They were exhibited as Broken Haired Scotch Terriers in 1861, but by 1870 their name was changed torepparttar 147979 Yorkshire Terrier.

Additional Comments:

While these dogs are overly pampered, it is a mistake to think of them as lap dogs. They haverepparttar 147980 typical terrier character, of being lively, energetic and highly-spirited.

This article provided courtesy of http://www.dooziedog.com/dog_breeds/yorkshire_terrier/

Chihuahua Complete Profile

Written by Dooziedog.com

Continued from page 1

Grooming: Short coated Chihuahuas only need occasional grooming with a rubber brush, whereas long coated Chihuahuas should be groomed normally with a brush and comb. Eye drops may need to be administered to prevent tear stains.

Exercise: Due torepparttar small size of Chihuahuas they usually get sufficient exercise indoors.

History: This breed originated fromrepparttar 147969 state of Chihuahua in Mexico andrepparttar 147970 forebears can be traced back torepparttar 147971 9th century. One of these beingrepparttar 147972 Techichi a larger stockier dog who, when crossed with a hairless variety from Asia, producedrepparttar 147973 long and short coated varieties. Inrepparttar 147974 early Aztec culture, Chihuahuas played an important role inrepparttar 147975 religious ceremonies. They believed thatrepparttar 147976 sins of a dead person were transferred to a dog, therefore whenrepparttar 147977 master diedrepparttar 147978 dog was also killed. The rich cherished this breed, howeverrepparttar 147979 peasants valued them for a different reason, as these tiny dogs often ended up in cooking pots.

Additional Comments:

There are two versions ofrepparttar 147980 Chihuahua, one of which is smooth-coated andrepparttar 147981 other being long-coated. Apart form their coat they are identicle. Chihuahuas feelrepparttar 147982 cold and a small coat is usually needed during winter or cold weather.

This article provided courtesy of http://www.dooziedog.com/dog_breeds/chihuahua/

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