Yes, Muffin, There Is a DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act)

Written by Joel Walsh

Continued from page 1

An open letter to a web content copyright violator who pled ignorance torepparttar DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).

Dear "Muffin,"

You don't know me, and I don't know you, except that you are a thief, and a pretty shameless one at that. Please, don't take offense at that. If you'll recall, you already admitted to being a thief in a public web message board. The topic ofrepparttar 138819 message board wasrepparttar 138820 Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Let me refresh your memory with what you wrote:

"I've use some picture from japanese artist on my web and this morning i've receive email about to sued me..... I never hear about DMCA before....PLEASE....i don't know what to do...."

Funny thing was, your message almost made it sound like you were a victim.

Muffin, not only were you not a victim, you were very, very lucky. You see, your victims actually asked you nicely to stop stealing from them. They even implied they wouldn't call inrepparttar 138821 cops if you stopped stealing and promised not to do it again.

Muffin, let's conduct a little life experiment: next time you’re in a shop, walk outrepparttar 138822 door with a bit of merchandise stuffed down your trousers. It doesn't have to be anything too expensive. Just make sure it has some kind of inventory-control tag sorepparttar 138823 people who runrepparttar 138824 shop will be sure to know what you've done, because that'srepparttar 138825 whole point of this experiment.

You see, Muffin, more than likely--and I mean, much, much, more than likely--the shopkeepers will not just ask you nicely to take their merchandise out of your trousers and put it back onrepparttar 138826 shelf. You might even have to pay for that stuff! Heck, if they really are out to victimize you, they might even callrepparttar 138827 police! Seriously!

Muffin, I have to be honest: I would not be so nice to you asrepparttar 138828 people you stole from. You see, I'm one of those crazy creative types who actually create stuff from scratch or maybe pay for it rather than just take it off someone else's website. (I know, if all of us creative types were as smart as you we'd all save a lot of time just copying stuff rather than putting it out there for other people to…ouch! Excuse me, I think I just stumbled over a logical paradox.)

You see, Muffin, I'm a writer, and a pretty generous one. I even let people put most ofrepparttar 138829 articles I write on their websites for free. All I ask for is that atrepparttar 138830 end ofrepparttar 138831 article, they leave inrepparttar 138832 little link to my site I include there.

Muffin, would you believe there are people who put my article on their site withoutrepparttar 138833 link to my site?

And when I told those site owners about their mistake, some of them just tookrepparttar 138834 article down off their sites! As if that undidrepparttar 138835 fact that they had already been using my article and making money by showing advertisements next to it.

The owners of those websites were not as lucky as you, Muffin. You see, I'm likerepparttar 138836 shopkeeper who doesn't just politely ask you to putrepparttar 138837 stuff back onrepparttar 138838 shelf. No, I called inrepparttar 138839 police.

More torepparttar 138840 point, I called in Google. You can read Google’s official policy here: Yes, that's dmca as in DMCA, as inrepparttar 138841 Digital Millenium Copyright Act.

Don't worry, Google lets you file a counter-complaint when someone reports you as a DMCA violator. And you can feel free to email your counter-complaint to allrepparttar 138842 people who won't find your site when they do a web search.

Of course, I didn't just send a message to Google's legal department. You see, some of those thieves' websites were even showing Google Adsense advertisements. Note that I said *were* showingrepparttar 138843 advertisments. You see, Google's Adsense TOS doesn’t take as rosy a view of copyright violations as you do, Muffin.

The companies that owned those websites' internet hosting servers didn't like being accessories to crime, either.

Well, Muffin, in closing let me just introduce you to a PDF ofrepparttar 138844 Digital Millenium Copyright Act: Sadly, this definitively means you can't say anymore that you have never heard ofrepparttar 138845 DMCA.

But maybe you can still try telling shopkeepers you never heard of shoplifting?

About the author
Joel Walsh is the owner and head writer of UpMarket Content (, Check out the website promotion content package by clicking here:

Branding vs. Direct Response in Small Business Marketing and Advertising

Written by Joel Walsh

Continued from page 1

Small Business Branding Advertising and Marketing an Oxymoron?

Unless you're a ubiquitous consumer products company,repparttar value of branding is far, far less thanrepparttar 138818 value of direct response. What good is impressing someone with your brand if he or she never comes into contact with your business again—and why would they come into contact with your business again if you haven’t gotten a direct response?

Branding is essential for Coca Cola and Microsoft and Sheraton and allrepparttar 138819 other consumer giants because they don't need direct response. Their offering is available every time you drive downrepparttar 138820 street, so burning their logos into your eyeballs will actually make you more likely to buy. But if you have to search outrepparttar 138821 business, having a logo floating in your consciousness won't be enough to motivate you.

Even if branding alone could drive business, how long will it be before that logo or slogan or jingle has left your memory forever? A few hours? A day? One ofrepparttar 138822 basic requirements for branding is repetition. Numerous repetitions. Like seeingrepparttar 138823 little Microsoft flag every single day, inrepparttar 138824 lower left corner of your screen, on your computer's case, in magazine advertisements and on television commercials. One visit to your website or one glimpse of your advertisement won't accomplish this—and remember, unless you have Coca Cola’s budget, one exposure is all you’ll likely get.

In reality, even numerous exposures to your brand might not be enough--you've got an awful lot of deep-pocketed competition in this game. People must be exposed to your brand again and again and again, not just for a certain span of time, but forever. Otherwise, your brand will get pushed out of their minds by allrepparttar 138825 logos that do appear again and again and again.

In contrast, if someone requested a whitepaper from you, or called in for more information, you would have their attention for much longer.

The two cases when branding make sense in marketing your small business

  1. When branding enhances direct response rather than detracting from it.

    Good branding enhances trust in your business. A good tagline, graphic design, and logo can also make it instantly clear what your business does, allowing users to go directly to your message without having to decide if you’re worth listening to.

    Simply put: if you’re a watchmaker, put a watch in your logo, andrepparttar 138826 word “watch” in your name and your tagline or slogan. When you’re selling services picking a logo can be trickier, but it can be done. UpMarket Content’s logo is a scroll and pen. Just make sure your logo communicates what you do, rather than something foolish like a black rocket for an advertising agency.

    There is, of course, nothing saying that you can’t work a little branding into your direct response, and indeed, you should. All your web pages, whitepapers, brochures, newsletters and other collateral should be inrepparttar 138827 same font and using similar color schemes. But if you find that a different font or color scheme does significantly better in getting responses, it’srepparttar 138828 brand that has to give.

  2. When you actually do haverepparttar 138829 opportunity to impress your brand onrepparttar 138830 same person dozens of times overrepparttar 138831 course of an average month.

    Let’s be absolutely clear: in terms of branding, exposing 1,000,000 people to your brand once each is infinitely less valuable than exposing 1,000 people to your brand 1,000 times each. For branding to work, you don’t just have to maximize exposures. You have to maximize exposures torepparttar 138832 same individuals.

    Aim for a hundred exposures per individual if you want to really enter people’s consciousnesses. Of course, it may take far fewer than a hundred individual exposures. If someone is sitting in front of your branding advertisement for more than a few minutes, they may in fact be exposed to it several times, each time they come across it. But this kind of long-term exposure is likely going to cost you more.

    How can you ensure that your brand advertising will maximize your brand exposure per unique individual? Place your brand advertising where users will come back often to see it. For instance, a banner on a website that has a strong following of returning users, or an advertisement onrepparttar 138833 local diner's placemat.

  3. Even when branding does make sense, direct response will often also make sense, so you should combinerepparttar 138834 two if possible. For instance, atrepparttar 138835 bottom of a banner advertisement with your logo and tagline looming large, put a button labeled “get more information.” Or, underneath your businesses sign, put a telephone number with an offer to get more information.

    Because if they never visit or call, who cares if they have your logo burnt onto their retinas?

    About the author
    Joel Walsh is the head writer of UpMarket Content ( Visit their website to find out more about online copywriting and internet marketing for small businesses.

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