Yes, I'm concerned but what can I do about it?

Written by Steve Wright

Continued from page 1

What if I spent my energies trying to impact what I was concerned about, even though I had no influence? Working outside my influence I am doing nothing but being further controlled by concerns I can do little about. Covey states that if you spend energy on things outside your influence, that circle starts to reduce in size. The opposite isrepparttar key.

I was in a group where productivity was poor and not improving. The leader became dictatorial inrepparttar 147534 belief it was within his COI. All this did was reduce his influence as people switched off even more. In an almost identical position in another grouprepparttar 147535 leader recognised his degree of influence and that he could not simply dictate better productivity. Instead he worked where he did haverepparttar 147536 influence, on a few relationships and enabling assistance for what people saw as blockages to their work. His COI expanded as people started to understand his COC.

By putting our energies into things inside our circle of influence it will begin to expand. It comes down to if there is something you want to change; you may as well start where you can make a difference. How often isrepparttar 147537 only thing you have influence over, your own reaction? Thinking back to part 1 ofrepparttar 147538 first habit.... Being proactive is to choose how you respond. To choose to work inside your circle of influence is clearly a good response choice.

Actions: One ofrepparttar 147539 best parts of this book is turning theory into action. Atrepparttar 147540 end of each chapter Covey provides a number of very tangible and achievable actions to help us implement what we have learnt inrepparttar 147541 preceding chapter. The big one that I am working on isrepparttar 147542 last: Proactivity - The Thirty-Day Test You really need to readrepparttar 147543 book for this one butrepparttar 147544 top three points are: 1.Work only in your circle of influence 2. Make only small commitments 3. Observe yourself without judging I have found this especially hard in my current situation. As I go, I am discovering more about what is inside my COI. What is saving me is having someone else help me withrepparttar 147545 observing part. We get together atrepparttar 147546 end of each week and I go through what I did that I thought was within my COI. My coach (being someone I selected as a coach!) would then observe and comment on where they saw these activities falling. The best part was then what did we thinkrepparttar 147547 impact on my COI was. Initially it was very little but asrepparttar 147548 weeks have progressed we have both noticed changes inrepparttar 147549 environment I am working in.

I urge you to try this. There is no down side and I am finding it a very empowering experience. I mentioned that I chose a coach. I found this to be vital. My head is full of too much stuff to be sufficiently objective. Choosing a coach is an important decision, and a complete subject in its own right.

It's time to take some real action, its time to be brave!

Cheers Steve

After years as a successful consultant I found myself leading a team. In an effort to move from being a leader to showing Leadership I am on a journey of discovery. If you have found yourself in a similar position, join with me at - Steve

What are You Dismissing?

Written by Joe Vitale

Continued from page 1

Later we were joined by other friends. As "chance" would have it, one ofrepparttar new friends had connections with where our complaining friend worked. He gave our unhappy friend a name, and said he could help her resolve her issues. He went on to say that this connection was a supervisor, head of many departments, and could probably resolve whatever was wrong.

I was stunned. So was Nerissa. We were seeing magic happen right before our eyes.

But what did our unhappy friend do with her new lead and new hope?

She dismissed it.

She didn't write downrepparttar 147298 name orrepparttar 147299 numbr, or show any signs that something wonderful had just occured.

Do you see how this works?

Sometimes we can self-sabotagerepparttar 147300 things we say we want. We simply dismissrepparttar 147301 good.

Let me end this with another example:

Yesterday I received a letter inrepparttar 147302 mail about a new audioprogram about dissolving illusions. I readrepparttar 147303 piece but dismissed it. I figured it was simply stuff I had already heard before and probably even recorded elsewhere myself.

Then today I got another mailing, this time from a different source, but sellingrepparttar 147304 exact same audiopogram. I read it over closely. I thought, "This is interesting, but I bet there's little new in it." I then placedrepparttar 147305 mailing aside.

An hour or so later, as I was reviewing this very article you're reading right now, I suddenly realized that I was doingrepparttar 147306 very thing I am warning you not to do: I was dismissing an opportunity to learn.

I dug outrepparttar 147307 mailing, filled outrepparttar 147308 order form, and dropped it inrepparttar 147309 mail. The audios are onrepparttar 147310 way.

The point is not that you buy everything that comes your way, but that you don't dismiss everything that comes your way. Sometimes a dismissal is a mask. It's your self-sabotage at work, keeping you where you're at. To grow, you must allow.

Again, you arerepparttar 147311 final authority on your life. Tune in to yourself and do what's right for you. And as you do this, be alert to those times when you may be dismissingrepparttar 147312 next gift to come your way.

Let your guard down, and let life in.

Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of way too many books to list here. His latest title is "The Attractor Factor:

5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else) From the Inside Out." Register for his monthly complimentary ezine at

His Executive Mentoring Program is described at

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