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2. Many fictional characters are not fictional at all. Write about one real person who has been fictionalized.
3. Electricity is a recent discovery. Think of 10 things to do when there's no power.
4. Pirates no longer just refer to
highwaymen of
seas. There are different breeds of pirates today. Write about today's pirates and what they're pirating.
5. Many words in
English language come from
names of people -- such as mesmerize (from Mesmer, a hypnotist). Find out more words from people's names and write
story behind
6. The US Declaration of Independence begins with this line: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..." Write you own Declaration of Independence by using
same line as your starting point.
7. How do you start a fan club? Write a how-to on organizing a fan club for a favorite author, singer, actor or sports figure.
8. How do planets die?
9. Expound or dispute this: "Where science ends, religion begins."
10. Take a look at your bookshelf. Pick one book and write a review of it.
11. How is privacy invaded on
12. Write an article on how to choose a pet. Target your piece for kids aged 7-10.

Shery Ma Belle Arrieta Shery is the creator and author of the exciting new series of ebooks for writers, SEEDS: Ideas for the Everyday (Non-Fiction) Writer. You can download a FREE sampler at The July SEEDS ebook contains 82 idea seeds, all based on historical events. Visit