Written by Paul Bilek

Continued from page 1

Third, use antioxidants. The world is changing every day.

Andrepparttar only advancements in TECHNOLOGY have not been inrepparttar 115920 microchip! We now produce more potent vitamins and minerals than ever AND we know a lot more about what our bodies need. And I'm not talking about swallowing 100 pills a day either. Don't live in a PIII world and take a 286 vitamin.

Fourth and last, we can do some moderate exercise. Yeah, I hearrepparttar 115921 boos. But hey, walk away fromrepparttar 115922 keyboard once in a while and pastrepparttar 115923 soda machine. There's a world out there.

Get into it. Do something that you enjoy and is good for you. Your waist size is notrepparttar 115924 only measure of good health. Fitness counts too.

If you are in great shape now .... EXCELLENT! Make sure to review what you are doing from time to time and stay up to speed on what's happening now. If you need to improve that's no problem. Start where you can and in no time your productivity and clear thinking will amaze you. GO FOR THE GOLD in your career, just make sure you can enjoy what you earn.

Paul Bilek wants to help you get in excellent health and help keep you there. He is a full-time entrepreneur and has the knowledge and tools to help YOU at his website: Information hotline 1-800-987-7721.


Written by Laraine Anne Barker

Continued from page 1

Even with ergonomic furniture it's STILL possible to suffer neck, shoulder, arm, wrist and finger pain. Byrepparttar time it reaches your wrists and hands, of course, you're in a really bad way. However, there are some exercises you can do. Preferably do them to PREVENT pain. Unfortunately, most need demonstrating with photos or graphics, but my favourite is easy to describe. Stretch out on your bed with your shoulders positioned so your head hangs overrepparttar 115919 edge. Support your head with both hands and slowly lower it overrepparttar 115920 edge ofrepparttar 115921 bed as far as you can. Take away your hands and rotate your head an inch or two to both left and right, trying to see as much ofrepparttar 115922 floor as you can. Then gently lift your head with your hands until it's level withrepparttar 115923 rest of your body. Dorepparttar 115924 exercise a few more times. Try doing it every morning as part of your dressing ritual, or every night before getting into bed. Certainly you should do it as soon as you noticerepparttar 115925 slightest pain.

This exercise works onrepparttar 115926 same principle asrepparttar 115927 best exercise for back pain (bending yourself backwards as far as you can). Backache, especially unexplainable backache, is usually caused by doing things that force you to bend forward for long periods. Slouching in your chair (particularly in a way that forces your body into a ³banana² shape) is another cause of backache.

Armchairs and sofas shouldn't need cushions. If they do they're badly designed. Cushions are difficult to arrange for proper lumbar support, so ifrepparttar 115928 chair in which you sit to watch TV doesn't have good lumbar support, a special back roll forrepparttar 115929 purpose is probably your best bet. And don't forgetrepparttar 115930 seats in your car!

Laraine Anne Barker writes fantasy for young people. Visit her web site at Fantasy for Children & Young Adults for FREE stories and novel excerpts. Sign up for the NOVELLA OF THE MONTH CLUB, absolutely FREE!

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