Continued from page 1

Be proud Of your own drum People are eager To listen torepparttar tune The tune of your precious Drum of yours No specific qualification Needed to play well But will and seriousness Play it well and loud For it’s yours Play your own drum No one else Can play it for you.

Shallrepparttar 118295 driver Driverepparttar 118296 tailors sewing machine? Shallrepparttar 118297 farmer Harvest withrepparttar 118298 surgeon’s scalpel? Shallrepparttar 118299 fisherman Paddle withrepparttar 118300 soldier’s gun? Shallrepparttar 118301 nurse Inject with teachers chalk? Shallrepparttar 118302 chef Bakerepparttar 118303 mason’s dough? Then play on other’s drum But your own!

Play your own drum Play it well and loud Have a grip of it and Use your talent Enjoy your own tune and do not be surprised Then, beforerepparttar 118304 sum is done Every one will recognize The sound of your drum They will dance Torepparttar 118305 tune of drum And crown you!


6 Dating Tips from Ughh the Caveman

Written by Richard Stooker

Continued from page 1

The woman and her cubs get meat andrepparttar hunting woman gets a hunting ground for her tongue as well as her food cooked and her skins sewn.

The same is true of a man left alone with cubs when there're no available women inrepparttar 118294 tribe. A she-boy can warm his skins with her hole, watch overrepparttar 118295 cubs and cook for him. In return for her share ofrepparttar 118296 mammoth steaks.

The Elders noticed thatrepparttar 118297 Gods do not plant new cubs inrepparttar 118298 bellies ofrepparttar 118299 women. Therefore forrepparttar 118300 future ofrepparttar 118301 tribe it is best for young girls and oys to warm each other and leave she-boys and he-girls alone until necessary.

4. I'm a 38 year old successful professional woman. I have had numerous relationships but so far no luck getting married or having kids.

Men are selfish animals. They don't want to have a serious committed relationship. They want to lay you then cheat on you.

How can I find my soulmate?


An enemy put a horrible curse on you when you were still very small, because you are quite obviouslyrepparttar 118302 vicious kind of woman who tells men what you do not like about them. You eatrepparttar 118303 meat they give you and then refuse their spears. They leave you with their hearts, bellies and spears still hungry. You smell like a dead animal but nobody can findrepparttar 118304 decaying corpse.

You must consult your local shaman and pay him many furs to travel throughrepparttar 118305 spirit world to take this curse from you.

5. Question:

I've been living with my boyfriend for 16 years and we have three children together. Our parents are asking when we'll get married but neither one of us is sure we're ready for committment. How do we tell them to mind their own business, that marriage is just a piece of paper?


When a boy shares a hide with a girl it is his responsibility to feed her andrepparttar 118306 cubsrepparttar 118307 winds ofrepparttar 118308 gods plant in her belly. As long as he feeds her,repparttar 118309 girl must open her inner cave to his spear whenever he wants, except of course when her moon blood flows. She must also cookrepparttar 118310 meat he brings home and patch skins into lothes.

What is a piece of paper?

6. Question:

My lover just cheated on me. Should I dump them?


As long as a man keeps his woman's belly and inner cave full, she will not want to lie underneath another man. But if a man is lazy and does not feed his woman, he cannot blame her for looking for meat to satisfy her hunger.

A strong hunter can have as many women as are available. But when his eye dims and his arm is no longer strong enough to bring down 5 rabbitts or squirrels a day, he must expect his second and third wives to seek younger and stronger men.

Richard Stooker runs Dating Singles Love Romance. Download a free ebook. Secrets of Seduction (for men) and 10 Great Dating Ideas for St. Valentine's Day and Beyond (for women). Go to:

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