XML integration with ADO+

Written by Pawan Bangar

Continued from page 1

Whateverrepparttar means for settingrepparttar 105104 dataset's schema, when it comes time to load XML intorepparttar 105105 datasetrepparttar 105106 following rules are used:

1) Elements with a certain name are mapped intorepparttar 105107 dataset ofrepparttar 105108 same table name.

2) Attributes and scalar-valued sub-elements are mapped into columns of that table.

3) The schema ofrepparttar 105109 table is expanded as appropriate ifrepparttar 105110 columns are not already inrepparttar 105111 dataset or ifrepparttar 105112 dataset does not already contain a table byrepparttar 105113 same name.

When loading an XML schema intorepparttar 105114 dataset, a table is created for each complex type inrepparttar 105115 schema, and containment is expressed using primary/foreign key relationships. The key columns are automatically inserted intorepparttar 105116 schema, and a Data relation is added for each pair of related tables.

Therefore, when loading data that resides in multiple tables from SQL server or any other database that supports XML, it is in some ways more expedient to userepparttar 105117 XML loading facilities rather thanrepparttar 105118 DataSet command. The former enables loading allrepparttar 105119 data in one step, whereasrepparttar 105120 latter requires a dataset command per table, and also involves setting uprepparttar 105121 relationships betweenrepparttar 105122 tables manually.

Presently working in the capacity of the Technical Director of Birbals, an e-consulting firm based in India dedicated in providing innovative and effective web, Hospitality and consultancy services to public, private and non-profit organizations. Successfully founded Birbals and other IT companies like Ebirbals and SeoBirbals.

Digital Signaturesin xml

Written by Pawan Bangar

Continued from page 1

An XML DSIG may contain multiple reference elements inrepparttar same document

DSIG signatures may contain eitherrepparttar 105102 signed XML object contained inrepparttar 105103 XML object, or detached fromrepparttar 105104 signed object or document. Whenrepparttar 105105 signed XML object envelopsrepparttar 105106 signature,repparttar 105107 enveloped signature value itself is not included inrepparttar 105108 signature calculation and validation computation. For this you userepparttar 105109 enveloped-signature transform, removingrepparttar 105110 whole signature element in which it is contained fromrepparttar 105111 digest calculation.

Public key digital signatures that provide nonrepudiation, such as RSA, are computationally intensive operations; therefore, DSIG also allows shared-key authentication that provides authentication but nonrepudiation. Collision resistant hashing ofrepparttar 105112 signed content is also used to save computational requirements.

Generating DSIG signatures: 1. Identity resources to be signed. 2. Calculatingrepparttar 105113 digest value and composing reference elements for each resource. 3. Composingrepparttar 105114 signed info element from all references. 4. Computing value of signature method over identity resources to be signed element by applying algorithms like DSA, RSA-SHA1, etc 5. Composingrepparttar 105115 signature elements with signedInfo, signature value, identity key used to sign, and other optional objects like signature properties.

An XML DSIG may contain multiple reference elements inrepparttar 105116 same document.

Pawan Bangar, Technical Director, Birbals, #1047,Sector 42-b, Chandigarh. www.ebirbals.com www.birbals.com

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