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This type program basically creates HTML code for you. You enter text and use drop down lists to select what action you want to take in respect to creating HTML code. It really is great and as you use it, you are learning actions that each piece of code can do to or for your page.
I mentioned earlier that there are many sites where you can get free information regarding learning how to build your own web pages. Here are a few:
HTML Tutorials in Web Design
HTML: An Interactive Tutorial For Beginners
A Crash Course in HTML
Those are just a few of many sites that offer free help. As indicated above, there are also sites where you can get other resources you can use to design your own site/page. And they are all free. If you would like links to free cgi scripts, java scripts, banner generation services, graphics and more just visit our free resource page at:
Don't look at HTML of some page you think looks great and let it scare you or deter you from your goal of getting your business online. It looked awesome to me too when I started but now I do all my own web pages and my site now has over 50 individual pages. Play around with it, change it, test it and you will learn it! AND you will be online before you know it!
Joe Reinbold, Publisher of Home Income Quarterly E-dition, a free weekly online marketing newsletter. To subscribe just with "Subscribe" in the subject. Or visit The Entrepreneur's Home Business Link where you will find the solutions to your home business needs at: