Writing for the Web. An seo copywriting primer.

Written by Nigel Lew

Continued from page 1

Do you feel comfortable buying something from your website or inquiring about a certain feature? Things like spelling and typo errors will 9 times out of 10 cause visitors to leave your site and not come back. Clean presentation is a must. You don’t go to a job interview wearing shorts and a t-shirt do you? It is also important have your legal documents in place, such as privacy policies, return policies etc. Visitors love to be able to contact you

Always post physical address, phone number, hours of operation, and email address so it is easy to inquire about a product or service you offer. Titles and descriptions are key

In terms of your meta info,repparttar title and description tags arerepparttar 132377 most important. Google for instance does not look at keywords. Make sure you have targetted key words in a clear title and description tag. This isrepparttar 132378 most effective method of a good page ranking when discussing your meta tags. Let’s sum this up

In order to write effective copy keeprepparttar 132379 following in mind:

1.Content should be clear, concise, and convey your USP. 2.Create an environment of trust with proper spelling and clear ways to contact you. 3.Make effective use of your title and description tags. 4.Break up your text with header tags, italics, bold text, and bulleted lists. 5.Good SEO copywriting does not limit your page to one or a few search terms.

Nigel is the owner and E-Commerce project mangager for Ultimatech Computer Consultancy located in Aspen Colorado.

How to Create Columns with Div's

Written by Shruti Gupta

Continued from page 1

Now, if you need these two columnar div’s to expand vertically equal to each other you can userepparttar following method.

First create a background image that if tiled vertically will look like two columns. For reference, please visit http://www.ecpgroup.net. Here, background image (http://www.ecpgroup.net/images/content_bg.gif) has been used inrepparttar 132374 container div that holdsrepparttar 132375 body andrepparttar 132376 footer ofrepparttar 132377 web page.

This background image must be 1 pixel high and as wide asrepparttar 132378 container that contains allrepparttar 132379 elements of your web page.

Inrepparttar 132380 html document: {div id=“container”} {div id=“div1”}{/div} {div id=“div2”}{/div} {/div} (in order to display it right on a browser "{" has been used in place of "<" inrepparttar 132381 above example)

Declarerepparttar 132382 following rules inrepparttar 132383 stylesheet: #container { background: url(the_Url_Of_The_Background_Image.gif) repeat-y 0% 0%; } #div1 { float:left; width:50%;} #div2 { marging-left:50%; width:50%;}

The result will berepparttar 132384 appearance of two columnar div’s expanding vertically equal to each other. So, although we cannot extend a div vertically equal to another div, we can make it appear so. This is exactlyrepparttar 132385 method used at http://www.ecpgroup.net.

Shruti Gupta works for ECommerce Partners.net (http://www.ecommercepartners.net) - a website design company in New York. We pride ourselves in developing search engine friendly and standard compliant websites. Email: info@ecommercepartners.net

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