Writing Your Own Free Report

Written by Timothy Ward

Continued from page 1

One ofrepparttar best ways to set up a free report is with an autoresponder. You can set up autoresponders free of charge at http://www.sendfree.com. There are other free autoresponder services; a search on Google yields at least 5 others. If you set up your free report on an autoresponder, then all someone has to do is send an email torepparttar 101103 autoresponder responder email address that you will be given when you finish setup and your free report will be sent directly to their inbox. This allows them to read it atrepparttar 101104 convenience. For example if you send an email to: mailto:onlinefriendship@sendfree.com, you will receive an article I wrote entitled 'The Power of Online Friendship'.

You can also haverepparttar 101105 free report on a seperate page on your website, or you cam have it downloadable from your website. No matter how you do it, giving away a free report is a great way to grab people's attention, and increase your sales.

Timothy Ward is an author and ezine publisher. For more information on his latest ezine the Free Promotion Tips Ezine visit: http://www.linkcounter.com/go.php?linkid=210240

"The World Wide Marketplace"

Written by Jane Fulton

Continued from page 1

9) Everyone that I encounter in everyday life is a potential customer! They may not visit today or tomorrow, but they know that my site exists, because I told them about it! Have you ever taken someone's card, put it in your wallet or on top of a table, then forgot about it? You happen to see it again while cleaning out your wallet orrepparttar table. You think, "Oh, I forgot all about this!". You then recallrepparttar 101102 conversation that took place when you receivedrepparttar 101103 card and realize that this is something that you need to do or want to do? I have and a lot of other people dorepparttar 101104 same thing.

10) Find local places onrepparttar 101105 internet to advertise. For example, we have a site forrepparttar 101106 city where I live. I have placed a classified ad to let everyone in my city know that my site exists and I'm local. This makes people willing to do business with you. You are local! They somehow "feel safer", knowing that you live close by.

11) I have placed an ad in our local newspaper. There are a lot of new people buying computers that can benefit from my "newbie tips" in Newbie & Affiliate SOS Newsletter, but they can't benefit from my newsletter, if they don't know about it!

12) We have a lot of local swap meets in our town. I visit them and pass out flyers. I stand byrepparttar 101107 front gate and pass them out as customers enter. Yes, some throw them away, but some will read them and use them. I have a relative that works one ofrepparttar 101108 local swap meets. I have printed up flyers and he sits them on a table with a large FREE Take One! sign in front of them.

There is a whole world to get your message to out there. Why just concentrate just onrepparttar 101109 internet?

I also advertise my ink affiliate locally. Everyone needs printer ink and would love to save money on it! I have to let them know that a local internet user usesrepparttar 101110 ink and has a site that they can order it from.

I have printed up flyers and distribute them locally, in offices, businesses, any place that will allow me to place them in their establishment.

The world is a huge Marketplace. Learn to use it to your advantage.

Jane Fulton is owner and webmistress of: http://janes-place.com janes-place is dedicated to helping newbies. If you are new to the internet, you need to sign-up for Newbie & Affiliate SOS Newsletter and learn to use your computer like a pro! http://janes-place.com/sos.htm

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