Writing Made The Rich #4: Paulo Coelho

Written by Michael Southon

Continued from page 1

In 1986, on instructions from his mentor within RAM, Coelho undertookrepparttar pilgrimage to Santiago di Compostella in Spain.

The following year he published The Pilgrimage, an account of his experiences onrepparttar 129363 'Road of Santiago'.

In 1988 he wroterepparttar 129364 book that would make him an international celebrity, The Alchemist, a story about following one's destiny and being open torepparttar 129365 universe of signs and symbols.

The Alchemist became an instant best-seller and has since sold over 11 million copies worldwide.

Coelho's eight novels have sold over 37 million copies in 56 languages and have been published in 140 countries.

In 1998repparttar 129366 French magazine 'Lire' listed Coelho asrepparttar 129367 second best-selling author worldwide.

Paulo Coelho has won over 15 international awards for his writing includingrepparttar 129368 prized French award,repparttar 129369 Insignia of Arts and Letters (1996). Critics have praised his writing for its "symbolic language that does not speak to our brains, but to our hearts".

In 1998 Paulo Coelho was received byrepparttar 129370 Pope inrepparttar 129371 Vatican.

He has been appointed torepparttar 129372 United Nations as Special Advisor for Spiritual Convergences and International Dialogues.

Coelho's view on happiness: "The most mediocre thing inrepparttar 129373 world. I'd rather go byrepparttar 129374 idea of joy."

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this simple technique to get massive free publicity and dramatically increase traffic and sales. Click here to find out more: http://www.ezine-writer.com

How to Firm Up Flabby Prose

Written by Beth Mende Conny

Continued from page 1

Don't be dramatic When possible, userepparttar plainest words possible. For example, too often we use "exclaim", "declare" or "chime" when plain ole "said" would do. Said's a great word; it doesn't draw attention to itself. Readers skip over it and concentrate instead on what's being said. Other examples:

* meander/shuffle/saunter = walk * odorous/malodorous/redolent = smelly * mawkish/maudlin/bathetic = sentimental

BTW-Sometimes people don't just walk; they really do meander, shuffle and saunter. Allow them their style, but keep your words in check.

Mix it up Good writing has flow. One sentence rolls intorepparttar 129361 other, creating an ebb and flow of words. Stoprepparttar 129362 flow and you get writing like this:

* I love chocolate. Chocolate is tasty. Chocolate cookies are my favorite. I like chocolate ice cream, too. I like chocolate milk.

An alternative:

Chocolate cookies, ice cream, milk-I love anything chocolate.

Don't worry about punctuation and grammar Big deal if you don't knowrepparttar 129363 difference between who and whom, or when (or when not) to use a colon. Most of us don't, which is why books on punctuation and grammar abound. Use them as you need them.

Hot tip: Find three books written in a style even you understand. When you get stuck, say, on split infinitives, glance through all three for guidance. You'll find that three angles are better than one and almost always providerepparttar 129364 guidance you need.

BTW-According to one of my grammar books, split infinitives are acceptable when writing informally. My other two books say no, no, no. Here, I defer torepparttar 129365 minority.

Beth Mende Conny is the founder and president of WriteDirections.com. She has published more than four dozen books and collections, and helps individuals and businesses bring their projects to publication. She can be contacted at Beth@WriteDirections.com.

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