Writing Great Sales Copy

Written by Kevin Nunley

Continued from page 1

And finally, once you've got your sales letter or ad set up in this clean and simple format, make sure you're using clean and simple language to match, and not gobbledygook.

We all know what gobbledygook is, it's that overcomplicated, cliched and unnecessarily formal language that can either totally confuse us or just put us to sleep. Either way it losesrepparttar customer, and loses yourepparttar 127430 sale.

In an effort to seem smart or serious or professional, bad business writers often end up using gobbledygook. I see sales letters and emails allrepparttar 127431 time with business-speak phrases like "in our considered opinion" and "enclosed please find." This makesrepparttar 127432 seller sound stuffy and unapproachable. Simplify these into everyday language. Write how you would speak: "we think" and "here is," are much better choices. Customers relate to conversational language.

If you follow these pointers you should be able to come up with some pretty good copy. Keep plugging away at it, and you'll find you get pretty good. Who knows? People might even start coming to you for writing advice.

Kevin Nunley provides marketing advice, copywriting, and promotional packages. See all his tips to help your business or career at http://DrNunley.com Reach Kevin at kevin@drnunley.com, or 801-328-9006.

You Have A Great Idea, Now How Do You Sell It?

Written by Wild Bill Montgomery

Continued from page 1

4. Structural Persuasion:

How do you persuade people? It's simple! By meeting their needs and aspirations, which is not always so simple. Persuasion is not a science, but an art. Art is a form of expression and so is presenting an your selling idea. The most critical part isrepparttar entry orrepparttar 127429 beginning. First impressions are important in any part of life. Presentation is no exception. In everything that you communicate, whether it'srepparttar 127430 first sentence in your copy orrepparttar 127431 first thought in your presentation, you must be concerned with that vital step. In today's "advertising congested" world, you must fight to get your presentation noticed. That's whyrepparttar 127432 first words and visual stimuli are so important. You must literally capture your reader or viewer immediately.

So what aboutrepparttar 127433 rest. Try starting out with a rough outline ofrepparttar 127434 presentation with titles and subheads for each part ofrepparttar 127435 presentation sequence. Think aboutrepparttar 127436 toughest questions that will be asked and supply them withrepparttar 127437 answers. The more doubt a client has,repparttar 127438 less likely they are to believe in what you have to say. Always know what you are doing and where you are going with it. Know whererepparttar 127439 client is and how to get them where you want them to be. Be organized and sequential. Do things step by step and byrepparttar 127440 numbers. Forrepparttar 127441 best results, learn to organize your thought processes and develop good organizational habits. Your layout and presentations will reflect this.

5. Solvingrepparttar 127442 Problem:

What'srepparttar 127443 problem? The problem, or should I say problems, are "needs and answers". Clients have needs. Knowing what those needs are is an essential factor in solvingrepparttar 127444 problem. You can't present a solution without first knowing that they have a need for one. You must also providerepparttar 127445 client withrepparttar 127446 answers, answers to questions they haven't asked. If you can fillrepparttar 127447 "needs" and answerrepparttar 127448 "questions" you can "Solverepparttar 127449 Problem"!

Remember: Salesmanship = Strategy + Structure + Style - Doubt

Wild Bill Montgomery GO AHEAD! GET PERSONAL! "The Personalized Newsletter Program"

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