Write? Right!

Written by Michael Ambrosio

Continued from page 1

4. Focus yourself. If you needrepparttar internet for research, that’s fine. Just restrict yourself torepparttar 129272 research at hand. I can’t tell you how often I found myself, two hours later, surfing some unrelated sites and being no closer to my goal. It’s easy to get side-tracked so watch yourself.

5. LIMIT yourself. Provided you can stay focused onrepparttar 129273 task at hand, you should limit yourself to a certain amount of time. You don’t want to burn yourself out and end up hatingrepparttar 129274 task. Get youself a clock or watch and choose a comfortable time limit. I usually give myself thirty minutes at a time. It may not seem like a lot of time, but remember – if you focus onrepparttar 129275 task at hand, you will accomplish a lot.

6. Organize your research. You will no doubt find so much information on your subject. Set yourself up with a file or notebook that is only for your article information. I can’t tell you HOW you should set this up because I don’t know you. But if you want to read an outstanding book on creating ezines then you should check out “Too Busy To Create A Profitable Ezine” by Ann Rusnak. It’s one ofrepparttar 129276 best books I’ve read. http://www.getresultsquicker.com/services.htm

7. Write often. Practice makes (almost) perfect. It truly DOES get easierrepparttar 129277 more you do it. Don’t get discouraged. If your first article isn’t all that good, write another one. Then another.

There are so many “tips” and “suggestions” we could go through. We could be here for hours – but there are already so many good books on this subject. The bottom line is that you need to make that commitment to yourself if you want to write successfully, whether it’s for your own ezine or to submit to article databases.

Writing, for most people, requires a little patience. Go easy on yourself. Keep trying. As I am just starting to learn –repparttar 129278 easier it gets,repparttar 129279 more rewarding it gets. And it gets more enjoyable. And as I am also learning, I am starting to get a bigger flow of traffic.

After all is said and done, isn’t thatrepparttar 129280 overall goal?

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> If you would like to reprint this article, please feel fr*e to do so, just as long as this resource box remains with it. Copyright 2003 Michael Ambrosio - Webmaster/Owner http://www.getprofitsnow.com Subscribe - mailto:gpn@inmarkon.com Get Profits Now. Newsletter and tools for your web success. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

Michael Ambrosio is the owner and webmaster of Get Profits Now as well as a few other internet businesses.

He has been "online" since 1995 and running various web businesses since 1998. His Get Profits Now newsletter was started in 2002.

Titles Sell Books

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

5. Use original expressions--a way of expressing one idea for your book--yours alone. Sam Horn, author of Tongue Fú!, puts her special twist on defusing verbal conflict.

6. Include benefits in your subtitle if your title doesn't have any. Specific benefits invite sales. For instance, Marilyn and Tom Ross' Jump Start Your Book Sales: A Money-Making Guide for Authors, Independent Publishers and Small Presses.

7. Choose others' book covers in your field as models. Go to your local bookstore with five-colored felt tips pens and paper. Browserepparttar section your book would be shelved on. Choose five book titles and covers that attract you. Photo copy or sketch those, notingrepparttar 129270 colors, design, fonts, and sizes of fonts. Add other colors you like.

Placerepparttar 129271 book cover you love near your workstation to inspire you. Forrepparttar 129272 final copy, use professional cover designers if possible.

8. Be outrageous with your book title. People do judge a book by its title. Your reader will spend only four seconds onrepparttar 129273 front cover and eight seconds onrepparttar 129274 back cover. It must be so outstanding and catchy that it compelsrepparttar 129275 reader to either buy on repparttar 129276 spot or look further torepparttar 129277 back cover. Take a risk. Be a bit crazy, even outlandish.

9. Be your strongest salesperson self. Chooserepparttar 129278 strongest words, benefits, and metaphors to move your audience to buy. Titles do sell books.

10. Include your audience in your title. This gives your book a slant. When your title isn't targeted other famous authors' titles win out. Always make your title clear and make it easy for your audience to recognize they need your book.

Your title and front cover is your book's number one sales tool. Short titles are best, say three to six words. John Gray didn't get much attention with his book "What Your Mother Couldn't Tell You and What Your Father Didn't Know." He shortened it torepparttar 129279 now famous, "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus."

An outstanding title sells books. Make sure to give this part of your book,repparttar 129280 number one essential "Hot-Selling Point," some time and effort.

Judy Cullins: 20-year author, publisher, book coach Helps entreprenurs manifest their book and web dreams eBk: "Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Online" http://www.bookcoaching.com/products.shtml Send an email to Subscribe@bookcoaching.com FREE The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports Judy@bookcoaching.com Ph:619/466/0622

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