Write A Newsletter To Get Site Visitors To Return!

Written by Steve Nash

Continued from page 1

- Use pop-up windows to encourage sign-ups. A little bit controversial, but pop-ups *do* increase subscriber sign- ups! Find a script here: http://javascript.internet.com/

* You CAN announce your newsletter torepparttar world

- Join various newsletter announcement mailing lists, follow their announcement rules, and announce, announce, announce (There are loads of these lists at http://www.topica.com .)

- Visitrepparttar 124294 following websites

http://www.ezinelocater.com http://www.marketers-edge.com/article-writers-strategy.htm

http://www.ezinesearch.com/search-it/ezine/ http://ezinesplus.com http://bestezines.com/submit/

Okay, okay! Your newsletter may be too humble for all this promotion, but atrepparttar 124295 very least make it easy to sign-up on your website. Oh! One other way of promoting your newsletter:

* Make your newsletter a great read!

Add your personality; publish onrepparttar 124296 same date; stick to a similar format; re-read and re-read to remove mistakes; encourage feedback; have clear objectives and *meet them*; and enjoy yourself. But if nothing else, just keep it short!


Writing a newsletter is a bit difficult not to do yourself, I admit. What I mean is that there are many Perl/CGI scripts that allow you to run a newsletter, including subscribe and unsubscribe functions, from your own site. Probablyrepparttar 124297 best free resource to do this would be Subscribe Me Lite by CGI Script Center. And you can always do a search at CGI Resources.

http://www.cgiscriptcenter.com - Subscribe Me Lite http://www.cgi-resources.com


You can find out more about email publishing fromrepparttar 124298 following excellent resources.

http://www.ezine-universe.com http://www.ezineuniversity.com


Writing a newsletter on a regular basis is a great way to keep people returning to your website. There are many tools and resources that show you how. And there are many sites that will publish your newsletter for free (you can even find free content, for goodness sake). Publish a newsletter and get to know your site visitors - and then let them get to know you!

Steve Nash is editor of the popular monthly newsletter called Promote! Promote! Promote! To subscribe, simply visit http://www.HowIPromoteMyWebsite.com . To get more website promotion ideas take his free 7-day e-mail course, called Website Promotion That Works! Sign-up here! mailto:promotion_that_works@getresponse.com

Secrets to Building Massive Opt-in Lists

Written by Shelley Lowery

Continued from page 1

The alert box is displayed via a script that extracts your visitors' name and email address. If they choose to subscribe, it then sends their subscription request, via email, to your subscription address and adds it to your database. In addition, you can send personalized messages, use autoresponder follow-ups and provide your subscribers with "one click" unsubscribe links within your messages.

For further information, visitrepparttar OptIn Lightning site. http://www.optinlightning.com

=> Pay-Per-Subscriber Services

If you really want to increase your subscriber base rapidly, you may want to consider purchasing some subscribers.

Visit any ofrepparttar 124293 following websites to purchase subscribers:

http://www.profitinfo.com http://www.listopt.com http://www.worldwidelists.com http://www.itsaworld.net http://www.zmedia.com/zm/main.html

=> Keeping Your Subscribers

Now that you know how to develop a large subscriber base, we'll focus on how to keep them.

Developing a large subscriber base isrepparttar 124294 easy part, keeping them will be a little more difficult.

The key to keeping your subscribers is to provide quality content that teaches or informs with regard torepparttar 124295 subject matter. You must provide your readers with unique content that can't be found in any other publication.

Although providing original content can be a lot of work, it is well worthrepparttar 124296 effort. Not only will it provide your readers with unique content, but it will also enable you to build your credibility and gain your readers' trust by sharing your expertise.

Although providing some original content is an important part of a great publication, it is perfectly acceptable to run articles written by other authors.

You can find a wealth of quality, free articles on a variety of subjects atrepparttar 124297 following web address: http://www.web-source.net/articlesub.htm

=> Editor's Note

Another very important part of a successful publication is an Editor's Note section. This section will enable you to talk to your readers and develop a trusting relationship. You can also use this section to provide recommendations. There's absolutely no better way to develop a relationship with your readers than by including an Editor's Note section.

=> Conclusion

No matter how many new subscribers you may acquire,repparttar 124298 key to a successful opt-in list is keeping them. The relationship you build with your subscribers will determine your success. Above all, you must provide your readers with quality content. They subscribed to your publication for a reason. If it doesn't meet their expectations, they'll simply unsubscribe.

Once you've developed a trusting relationship with your subscribers, your personal recommendations will be a highly effective means of closing sales. However, it is very important that you only recommend a product or service that you truly believe in. Your professional reputation depends on it.

Shelley Lowery is the author of Ebook Starter - A complete ebook design kit. Subscribe to Etips, for a wealth of quality information to assist you in Web Design, Internet Marketing & Ecommerce. All new subscribers receive a free copy of the highly acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies." http://www.web-source.net/cgi-bin/t.cgi?l=bl1

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