Would Chopin Have Passed A Music Quiz?

Written by Brian Fong

Continued from page 1

While your daughter's technical music quiz question might be:

"What is acoustic impedance and why is it important to a flute player?"

By asking questions that go beyond what their music teacher asks you are helping your child develop a 360 degree view into their instrument. They'll be naturally better players when they understand how and why those notes are produced and how to stretch their instrument to its limits by manipulating and understandingrepparttar laws of physics that controlrepparttar 110174 instruments. Physics? Can a music quiz teach physics? You bet it can.

Since your children are interested in music, and you're going to be takingrepparttar 110175 time to write a music quiz, why not fool them into learning other subjects by using music asrepparttar 110176 entry point into a learning experience?

You may just find that what started out as a simple music quiz becomes a lesson in understanding how science and mathematics interact with everything that we touch, see, and think. With a little bit of thought your music quiz can become a a major cornerstone of knowledge for a couple of musically inclined kids.

Brian Fong


Quiz Faq - Your solutions for the quiz.

Potty Training At Daycare and Preschool

Written by Danna Henderson

Continued from page 1

Discussrepparttar Plan - When you begin potty training your child, discuss your plan with your child's daycare worker. He or she has probably potty trained many children and may have some useful tips and tricks. Make sure your potty training methods are similar.

Set Potty Training Rules - Work together to set some basic potty training guidelines. For example, agree that your child will not be punished for accidents and that you'll give stickers as rewards for usingrepparttar 110173 potty. The potty training process will be easier for your child if both you andrepparttar 110174 child care worker are providingrepparttar 110175 same potty training guidance.

Progress Reports - Speak withrepparttar 110176 childcare provider often to exchange progress reports. Both of you need to be aware of any successes or potential problems. Ifrepparttar 110177 daycare worker tells you that your child usedrepparttar 110178 potty earlier that day, be sure and tell your child that that you heard about his or her success and that you are proud of him or her.

Copyright 2004 ZIP Baby. All Rights Reserved.

About The Author Danna Henderson started ZIP Baby in order to provide parents with comprehensive potty training information as well as a large selection of potty training products. For more information about potty training, or to browse the potty training store, visit the Potty Training Message Board.

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