Work Smart: Pace Yourself!

Written by Scott McGraw

Continued from page 1

To use another illustration, businesses are like plants. They take time to grow. You have to water them with an investment of time and money. You have to prune outrepparttar dead wood, getting rid of things that don’t work (maybe an ineffective ad campaign). The more you understand how to nurture them,repparttar 116605 healthier they become and eventually produce fruitage you can be proud of.

Runners have coaches to teach them how to utilize their physical strengths wisely overrepparttar 116606 duration ofrepparttar 116607 race. Landscapers studyrepparttar 116608 attributes of individual plants and trees so as to best know how to cultivate them, and then they are patient as their efforts bear fruit.

As business owners, we can learn from both. We need to get to know our business, what will make it grow, as well as what will drain it until it dies. We need to be coached by others who are willing to share their experience. We need to be able to evaluate our assets, our strengths, and know how to use them wisely. We need to haverepparttar 116609 patience ofrepparttar 116610 landscaper andrepparttar 116611 perseverance ofrepparttar 116612 long distance runner. And we need to pace ourselves, having reasonable goals and expectations.

If you do all this, your work at home business will grow and likerepparttar 116613 long distance runner you will reach your goal.

But you must remember, alongrepparttar 116614 way you will need to work hard while striving real hard to WORK SMART!

Scott McGraw has 15 years experience operating a home business and currently owns featuring a Work Smart approach to success.

The Top 10 Things you should know before starting an online business

Written by Gary Nelson

Continued from page 1
6. Start small and make sure that this business is for you. Find a small online business that you can start that has a product many people can use. With this new business, see how you like doing business onrepparttar internet. It's not for everybody. But if you like it and want to continue in your new found career, then invest more into your company. If you discover it was not for you, you did not lose to much. 7. Learn online marketing skills Now when you are sure about getting serios about online marketing, you will need to improve your marketing skills. There is alot to learn. Find out where you can market and use it to your best advantage. This includesrepparttar 116604 correct way to get listed in search engines, Google adwords, ezines and ezine advertising, email marketing and don't send spam. Learn to write articles and keep your website fresh, should help you inrepparttar 116605 search engines. Be ready to spend hours and hours learning allrepparttar 116606 techniques for online marketing. Userepparttar 116607 easier techniques first. 8. Automate your online business. When everything is setup and ready to go, your online busines hopefully will be automatic. When a customer comes to your website, they make thier purchase, credit card processor processes it, and if it is a digital product, it's delivered automatically! Otherwise you will have just a little work to do in shipping your product, check email, and make sure everything is running smoothly. There is even a software program that can answer emails automatically. The more automated your online business is,repparttar 116608 more free time for you. 9. Write your plan on paper and followrepparttar 116609 plan. You know, Im also a pilot. Before I fly an airplane, I have a flight plan and I followrepparttar 116610 flight plan, which leads me to my destination. It works every time! You should dorepparttar 116611 same with your business. Write out a business plan, it does not have to be fancy, but write something and follow it. If you don't you will fail. Make changes or add to it later, but you must do this in writing. Refer to your plan as you move along in your business to make sure your onrepparttar 116612 right course to sucess. 10. Why settle for a meager 50-60% commision when you can get 100% and keep everything you earn onrepparttar 116613 product you sell. This is called Royalty-free. There is a software program that you can easily sell and make incredible amounts of money with a good marketing plan. How can they do this and how will they make any money? Well you can explore further at

Internet marketing experience, sales, and recently finished writing to ebooks which will be onsale soon., Internet marketer and businessman, who can be reached at, or visited on the web at

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