Work From Home and Get More Done!

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Continued from page 1

Take Time Out for You It can be easy to lose yourself in your work. Take time to smellrepparttar roses…and make human contact.

The Final Word Not everyone can work successfully from home - some needrepparttar 105466 daily discipline and people interaction encountered inrepparttar 105467 office.

However, for many others, working from home has greatly improved their productivity and enhanced their lifestyle.

They have more flexibility, more time andrepparttar 105468 opportunity to work much more effectively without allrepparttar 105469 usual distractions encountered inrepparttar 105470 traditional office environment.

So next time when you become overwhelmed with withrepparttar 105471 distractions at work and feel like you are going nowhere and getting nothing done, see if working from home for some ofrepparttar 105472 week is a viable option.

After all, what'srepparttar 105473 point of just showing up atrepparttar 105474 office if you cannot concentrate and work effectively.

Coping with your workload isn't about being busy, it's about being effective and working smarter, not harder.

Have a great week! Lorraine

Lorraine Pirihi is Australia's Personal Productivity Specialist, Leading Life Coach and a dynamic presenter. She runs her own business The Office Organiser specialising in working with Small Business Owners and Managers helping them to dramatically improve their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess and have more time for living life!


Written by Joseph Robert Neil James.

Continued from page 1

Whenever possible, obtain prime email addresses.

When you’ve prepared your advert – send a test email to your own prime email address and testrepparttar “remove” facility, you won’t be accused of Spam then.

By creating your email list, in this way, you will ensure that you targetrepparttar 105463 people that may be interested in your product or service. Large volumes of email are sent out daily. Its important that everyone should be responsible for creating and sending out their emails because unless they are, “Spam” will be controlled by many more restrictions that will be introduced inrepparttar 105464 future.

Everyone that monitorsrepparttar 105465 email they send sends out, knows it’s difficult to achieve more than a 4% click thru rate, which means that every 25 emails sent out, should on average, achieve one click thru – Based on that percentage rate, 1,000 emails sent out should achieve 40 clicks thru. These percentages depend on how you create your Headlines for your advert. If you keep a record of your click thru rates, you will be able to make changes to your Headlines and either maintainrepparttar 105466 4% click thru rate or increase it.

Email lists, require constant updating so your products and services, reach their target. Emails can be purchased for as low as $00.001 – 10,000 would cost you $10. However, for that low price, you wouldn’t be purchasing emails by category. Shop aroundrepparttar 105467 Internet, if you intend to purchase emails, keep in mind that $10 purchased for 10,000 emails, is probablyrepparttar 105468 lowest price you’ll find, which have any value.

The link below, will take you to my specially selected website, which will complement, creating your email list.

Joseph Robert Neil James - resides in Warwickshire, England and is an author, husband, father, grand-father, and Great-Grand-Father. Having spent many years in the "Direct Mail Advertising" business, whilst living with his wife and four children in Australia - joseph is now retired and enjoys working with his computer and reseaching with a Pendulum.. mailto:

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