Work For Results

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

Continued from page 1

People pay thousands of dollars to go to college to getrepparttar information needed to be successful. Yet most are not willing to pay a hundred dollars for educational information onrepparttar 121988 net. This is not to say that you should go spend thousands of dollars for an internet education but there is information worth paying for.

Now you have read and you have read some more and you are ready to start working onrepparttar 121989 internet. It is now time to put in some more of that hard work. Work isrepparttar 121990 key ingredient to get you where you want to go.

Part ofrepparttar 121991 learning experience is to learn how to work. When I first started onrepparttar 121992 net, I wasted much valuable time. The problem was that I did not know what kind of work was worthrepparttar 121993 time. This is part ofrepparttar 121994 education that comes with experience. You will find that managing your time well is very important. May be time to read some more.

The internet is a great place for anyone who wants to work and work isrepparttar 121995 key word. There is money to be made but it is not going to jump in your lap just because you showed up.

Raymond Johnston Jr is a semi retired advertising executive. He is a published poet and writer and is the editor and publisher of Money For Hire Ezine. You can contact Ray through his website at

Profit From Reading

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

Continued from page 1

If you spend all of your time sending out free ads to ezines and FFA sites instead of reading, you have your priorities inrepparttar wrong order.

I was reading an article on advertisingrepparttar 121987 other day. The author stated that research was a big step in writing good ad copy. Well. I am here to tell you that reading is a big part of being successful inrepparttar 121988 marketing world.

I read ezines, I read books, I read news articles and I could go on and on. I read everything that might have an influence onrepparttar 121989 internet marketing industry.

Ninety to ninety five percent ofrepparttar 121990 people who are trying to work inrepparttar 121991 internet marketing field are going about it all wrong. They are spending their time unwisely and will be inrepparttar 121992 same circumstances a year from now.

Most of you who are trying to work onrepparttar 121993 internet have a limited number of hours each week to put towards your marketing business. I strongly urge you to allot some of that time to reading. If you do this consistently for a few weeks, you will be amazed at what you learn.

Raymond Johnston Jr is a semi retired advertising executive. He is a published poet and writer and is the editor and publisher of Money For Hire Ezine. You can contact Ray through his website at

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