Wooden kayaks

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1
of wooden kayaks is that they require a lot of maintenance. This is definitely a problem if you do not have a lot of extra time on your hands - but if you have time to build a kayak to start with, then you'll probably have enough time to do allrepparttar major up-keep on it as well. There are also even some hidden advantages to allrepparttar 133016 maintenance that you have to do - since you'll be able to do allrepparttar 133017 maintenance yourself, and wooden kayaks can often be maintained just like new while other types of kayaks will show wear and tear relatively early on.

While all ofrepparttar 133018 kayak materials are pretty sturdy, you should also note that wooden kayaks (when made properly) are almost as sturdy asrepparttar 133019 other types of kayaks. What this means is that you'll be able to take your wooden kayak almost anywhere you'd like to go.

One thing you should keep in mind, however, is that most ofrepparttar 133020 instructions you'll find on how to build wooden kayaks are meant to be recreational or touring kayaks. Even though wooden kayaks are fairly sturdy, you'll probably not want to take one on a whitewater racing course.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.kayakhelp.com. Please visit his complete kayaking guide for all skills and ages.

Coaching Sports For All The Right Reasons

Written by Tim A Kauppinen

Continued from page 1

“This was Dad’s glove fromrepparttar Army,” she said. “Remember that when he got back fromrepparttar 133015 war, he helped to startrepparttar 133016 first little league here in town. That man was a member of Dad’s first team. His family didn’t have much money and he couldn’t afford to buy a baseball glove. Dad gave him his so that he could play likerepparttar 133017 rest ofrepparttar 133018 boys.”

The man had gone on to say that he had never forgotten my grandfather’s generosity. He had kept and cherishedrepparttar 133019 glove for over 45 years. He had seen my grandpa’s obituary inrepparttar 133020 newspaper and had wanted to returnrepparttar 133021 glove torepparttar 133022 family and let us know what a great coach, and man, my grandfather had been.

The glove was put on display at my grandpa’s funeral. And, of course,repparttar 133023 minister’s sermon contained many allusions to sports and frequent quotes from A Field of Dreams. All this made me ever so proud of my grandfather who enjoyed coaching and passing on his love of athletics torepparttar 133024 youth in his town. It also made me remember why I chose to be a coach.

How many times have you wondered, “Why do people coach? Why do they give up their time and energy for little or no money, sometimes even less respect andrepparttar 133025 opportunity to be targeted by parents and fans alike?”

That cold and snowy March day, I was reminded ofrepparttar 133026 answers to those questions. We coach to touchrepparttar 133027 youth. To instill values into young people that they will carry with them forrepparttar 133028 rest of their lives. We coach to make a difference and to showrepparttar 133029 right way to play, work and live. We coach so that, even 45 years can pass without a man forgetting his coach andrepparttar 133030 impact that he had made on a young boy’s life.

Tim Alan Kauppinen, or Coach K, has over 20 years experience as an athlete and coach. He has worked with athletes of all ages and abiltities in track and field, football, speed training and strength and conditioning. Coach K publishes a free daily fitness email with current tips on getting stronger, faster and in the best shape of your life. To sign up for this no cost service, visit Coach K's website at http:www.makesyoufast.com

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