Wood Panels and Humidity

Written by Dave Markel

Continued from page 1

The end secured with two dowels will develop a crack inrepparttar main panel. Sincerepparttar 145028 length ofrepparttar 145029 edge piece doesn't change having it fixed acrossrepparttar 145030 width ofrepparttar 145031 main panel from expanding.

Alternatively,repparttar 145032 opposite end ofrepparttar 145033 cutting board is only fixed inrepparttar 145034 center. The main panel is free to expand and contract towardsrepparttar 145035 ends. The only visual difference would be thatrepparttar 145036 ends ofrepparttar 145037 edge piece are no longer flush withrepparttar 145038 edge ofrepparttar 145039 main panel.

The second example uses a large glued up panel such as a table top. Ifrepparttar 145040 table top was fixed torepparttar 145041 rails acrossrepparttar 145042 width ofrepparttar 145043 panelrepparttar 145044 rise and fall of humidity would undoudtable causerepparttar 145045 panel to split.

The best method to overcome this is use wooden clip to attachrepparttar 145046 two pieces. A 1/4" x 1/4" dado milled onrepparttar 145047 inside upper edge ofrepparttar 145048 rails. This accepts a wooden clip that fits intorepparttar 145049 dado and is then secures torepparttar 145050 underside ofrepparttar 145051 table top. This will security holdrepparttar 145052 top holdrepparttar 145053 top ontorepparttar 145054 rails without restrictingrepparttar 145055 expansion and contraction ofrepparttar 145056 large panel. Without thisrepparttar 145057 table top would slowly start to open up.

In general anytime you are fixing one piece of stock across a large glued up panel measures need to be taken to allowrepparttar 145058 panel to move. Remember that it will expand across its width but not its length. Using one ofrepparttar 145059 two methods mentioned above you will be able to prevent your glued up panels from splitting.

Dave Markel has helped hundreds of individuals improve their wood working skills. Visit his site at Sage Brush Wood Working Sage Brush Wood Working

Autograph Collecting: More Questions and Answers

Written by Lon Strickler

Continued from page 1

Question: I see many pre-printed autographed photos on eBay. What are these and is there any value?

Answer: These are facsimile reproductions of actual signed photos. With today’s technology, sellers can easily copy an authentic item with great detail and sell at a drastically reduced price. Novice collectors or those on a limited budget are usuallyrepparttar target of these sellers. Unfortunately, many buyers are unaware thatrepparttar 144746 item is a copy because ofrepparttar 144747 vague description. We recommend that collectors avoid these pre-printed photos and be extremely careful when purchasing autographs online.

Question: What is a COA? Must I have a COA with an autograph I purchase?

Answer: COA is an abbreviation for “certificate of authenticity”. Many collectors require a COA before they purchase an autograph. Frankly, a COA is just a piece of paper that is only as good asrepparttar 144748 confidence ofrepparttar 144749 buyer andrepparttar 144750 reputation ofrepparttar 144751 seller. Always make sure you are purchasing from a person who knows how and whererepparttar 144752 signature was obtained and will guaranteerepparttar 144753 item to your satisfaction.

These are just a few ofrepparttar 144754 questions we receive from autograph collectors. If you have a question, feel free to contact us.

Lon has been an active dealer of sports/entertainment/historical collectibles for 20+ years. In addition, he has authored several nationally published articles on Baltimore sports & social history and currently writes a monthly autograph collector's newsletter at Tias.com (The AutoGram). He is also the owner of Strickler's Celebrity Autographs www.stricklercelebs.com

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