Women and Men: Never The Twain Shall Meet

Written by David Leonhardt

Continued from page 1

After a while, a man discovers that he and his wife do not even speakrepparttar same language. Sure, we both call it "English", but we each use different dictionaries. Considerrepparttar 101775 word "fine".

When a woman usesrepparttar 101776 word "fine", a man knows he has just lost an argument. "Fine" is a woman's way of saying, "OK, you winrepparttar 101777 argument, but you only win because I let you, and I am still right, so take your duct tape and put it somewhere useful ... like across your mouth!"

To a man, "fine" means something completely different. It means that something is fine. It is good. It is as it should be. Some men, such as yours truly, use "fine" as a response when a woman asks, "How do I look in this new dress I bought?"

Men like that ought to just hop in front of a moving train to save themselves a lifetime of slow, painful torture. When a man says "fine" to a woman, it won't be long before that woman says "fine" to him. Better get out your duct tape.

So my answer to Soaking Lady is this: "If you don't like triple-coconut-cream-of-pickle-juice spritzer with a dash of chili all overrepparttar 101778 table andrepparttar 101779 chair andrepparttar 101780 floor, just ask your husband to wipe it up. Anyone loving enough to pour such an obviously tasty treat onrepparttar 101781 table at your request, will just as lovingly lap it up."

And my answer to Thirsty Man is this: "No, I can't."

Every relationship works best when we use wordsrepparttar 101782 listener will understand as we mean them to be understood. For instance, if a man says "fine" and a woman hears "yuck!", just don't userepparttar 101783 word "fine".

Or, do what I do. Keep plenty of extra duct tape for a very rainy day.

The author is David Leonhardt, The Happy Guy, author of Climb Your Stairway to Heaven: the 9 habits of maximum happiness at http://TheHappyGuy.com/happiness-self-help-book.html and publisher of Your Daily Dose of Happiness at http://TheHappyGuy.com/daily-happiness-free-ezine.html . Visit his web site at http://TheHappyGuy.com .

Tips for Dating A Single MOm

Written by Teri Worten

Continued from page 1

5) Be patient. A single mom will more than likely move a lot slower than completely unattached women. A single mom, is less likely to “fall into bed” with a man that is expendable or temporary. This is not because she is “scared” so much as she understands that she can’t afford a lot of heartache and drama in her life. She understands that her emotional state affects her children. So be patient.

6) Be honest. Don’t play games with any woman, much less a single mom. If you’re looking for a quick unattached situation, let her know it atrepparttar onset. Who knows, she could be looking for something casual too. However, mislead her by spending excessive time building trust and intimacy only to abandon her later. This is sophomoric, childish and cruel. Instead, be forthcoming about what you want fromrepparttar 101774 relationship and be brutally honest. A simple conversation about expectations could ward off a lot of anguish later.

Teri Worten is a freelance writer and the founder of several inspirational websites for women and single moms. One is called Gotta Be Me, Girl.Com. You can access the site by following the link: http://www.gottabemegirl.com. Secondly, visit the Greater Kansas City Single Mom Network at http://www.kcsinglemomnetwork.com.

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