Women Are More Powerful

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1
I love to think about Hypatia of Alexandria and why she scaredrepparttar intelligentsia ofrepparttar 130415 Catholics in Alexandria aroundrepparttar 130416 time ofrepparttar 130417 Council of Carthage too. But you will hear very little about these great women. Why was knowledge so fearful to this Church of MEN? Certainlyrepparttar 130418 Balkans today shows few signs ofrepparttar 130419 Bogomil internationalism ofrepparttar 130420 time of Esclaramonde; but after seven centuries of oppression it is no small wonder that knowledge is lost in places like Ireland andrepparttar 130421 Ukraine or Thracia. The Hemispheres ofrepparttar 130422 Brain – Learning from ‘Within’ Neurophysiology has contributedrepparttar 130423 left-right brain modality that was always understood by ‘dualistic’ observers such asrepparttar 130424 Taoist ‘Yin and Yang’. Tantrism is just one ofrepparttar 130425 many sutras or disciplines that will teachrepparttar 130426 things women and men can soulfully acquire. The greatest adept I met was a developer of a mountain climbing sutra. You would not believerepparttar 130427 things she taught me do exist. People onrepparttar 130428 street haverepparttar 130429 impression that all things other than Christianity are some kind of weird cult just because certain deviates like Crowley have abused them or their country of origin is in turmoil. There is a need to understand each other in these countries to be sure. What can be more deviate than whatrepparttar 130430 Catholics have admitted to whenrepparttar 130431 Pope asked for “forgiveness and renewal” inrepparttar 130432 bi-millennium period of his great faith. A great deal more than justrepparttar 130433 Cathar genocide has yet to be admitted. I have developed a good case forrepparttar 130434 Catholic use ofrepparttar 130435 Plague as a bio-weapon against Europeans and Indians. I even have found a quote from Churchill that confirms this; which we will see in other articles or chapters. Sainted Catholic Bishops and pompous asses like Clement had a role in seeing Hypatia torn limb from body, by an angry mob just asrepparttar 130436 Catholic (and their partnersrepparttar 130437 Anglicans) were blamed forrepparttar 130438 genocide in Rwanda by a recent International Commission. Those who are ‘true believers’ in this ghastly cult will see karma has truth beyond mere personal acts such as suckling atrepparttar 130439 spigot ofrepparttar 130440 table washings left by greedy power-mongers. There is no proof man is innately created as such a negative animal. No other beast is so highly organized in its crime. Yet they are often found to not even have to pay taxes! I agree with those who say they’ll believerepparttar 130441 Churchians when they have a day care center inrepparttar 130442 Vatican and a woman Pope. Neurophysiology has contributedrepparttar 130443 left-right brain reality of our physical make up. It also includes a separation ofrepparttar 130444 hemispheres that differs between men and women. Some 80% of women have a larger separation aboverepparttar 130445 Corpus Collosum and all important Pineal Gland or Third Eye. These arerepparttar 130446 women most innately attuned torepparttar 130447 spiritual reality now being explored (as inrepparttar 130448 Chaos Science of 13,000 years ago) byrepparttar 130449 Quantum Many Worlds Interpretation of Physics. Of course there are some men inrepparttar 130450 same kind of 20% proportion who get to be so ‘sinister’ or nurturing and what some regard as passive even though it requires more courage to be giving. The books dealing with these practical and real opportunities are varied. Martin Mull is an actor/comedian and creative genius that such a profession requires. His book is simple and straightforward with drawing exercises. The Wonder Child by Peter Lorie and other scientists ofrepparttar 130451 mind is a rediscovery of beauty once fostered inrepparttar 130452 ancient extended family. Joy can come by learning fromrepparttar 130453 baby rather than trying to make it in your own imprinted image. There is more wisdom inrepparttar 130454 freedom of ‘following your Bliss’ than most linear logically oriented education imagines. Over 350,000 neural connections can be utilized but about half that many become atrophied as we ‘learn’ to rejectrepparttar 130455 spiritual reality. There are at least six very different learning styles and geometric combinations thereof. The linear logical approach that has been emphasized since macho man took control or some ofrepparttar 130456 needs associated with industrial age sweat shops including time clocks are less mutable torepparttar 130457 soul and its purpose, collective and otherwise. Many social ‘needs’ are not healthy forrepparttar 130458 whole person addressed inrepparttar 130459 Mayan saying “Do not put yourself in front of yourself”. The creative spatial insights afford greater productive applications ofrepparttar 130460 soul and ‘women’s intuition’. Jungian archetypes or akashic records contained in whatrepparttar 130461 Director ofrepparttar 130462 Human Genome Project calls our “history book” will provide exciting continuing confirmation of ancient knowledge. It can lead to an illumination called Divine Inspiration or direct cognition. Dyslexics like Einstein or Spielberg are good examples ofrepparttar 130463 potential we all can work to develop. The Bardic Institute has a homepage ofrepparttar 130464 educationally emancipating World Wide Web that includes a quote from Einstein that deals with these potentials.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift andrepparttar 130465 rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honorsrepparttar 130466 servant and has forgottenrepparttar 130467 gift.”

The Catholic Encyclopedia would have its readers believe Yoga is translated as ‘yoke’. That is a joke they must have some fun fomenting. It means ‘union’ and focuses onrepparttar 130468 soul! Throughrepparttar 130469 ‘union’ or personal knowledge of how thought energy passes betweenrepparttar 130470 hemispheres ofrepparttar 130471 brain man becomes wholistically more able to cope and ‘cognize’ what V. Hugo called “the waves ofrepparttar 130472 marvelous

You can find more of my work as a guest writer at World-Mysteries.com. Regular Columnist at The ES Press Magazine Author of Diverse Druids

Women's guide to having fun and looking great for the holidays

Written by Kenia Morales

Continued from page 1
•Clothing; avoid wearing oversize clothing, and keep it well pressed. •Stand straight; it will help you look confident, slimmer and a couple of inches taller. •Wear make up; but do not over do it. •Healthy hair gloss; wash, and condition hair regularly; use anti- frizz hair products for instant luster. •Maintain eye contact; look more confident and give others your undivided attention. •Smile; “ smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks.” By Charles Gordy

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine http://kpatra.com "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics" click here http://www.kpatra.com/keniascolumn.htm to find Kenia's little piece of heaven her inspirational column.

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