Wisdom Over Coffee

Written by Helaine Iris

Continued from page 1
Fortunately, there’s a more evolved part of our brain that’s responsible for creatingrepparttar advanced society we live in today. When we see our life through this part of our brain, we feel few restrictions. We can do almost anything. The world is a limitless playground waiting for us to step in and play our part. I began to realize how these two critical aspects ofrepparttar 101486 human hardware are in stark opposition. Part of our brain wants us to grow, take risks and get out of our comfort zones; while another wants us to stay home and be safe. It’s no wonder most of us run into roadblocks when we are trying to grow. To add one more idea to my theory, most of us are members ofrepparttar 101487 first generation that’s been encouraged to grow beyond our parents’ edict of “do what you’re supposed to do, not what you want to do.” In other words, very few of us have any role models for living a complete life of passion and fulfillment. After spinning this theory with my colleagues, it became obvious that, as a species, we’re doing pretty well, despite our physical and cultural limitations. We are continually growing, evolving and modeling a new way of living for future generations. On an individual level, it’s easy to get lost and stuck in what’s scary and moving too slowly. But when wasrepparttar 101488 last time you paused for a moment, shifted your perspective and reminded yourself about your accomplishments? How far have YOU come in your life? I invite you to take a minute right now and think about it. Yes, keep taking risks and moving forward toward living a complete life, but respect your very human need for security. You can do this by routinely acknowledging what’s working well and by reviewing your past accomplishments. As you practice this you will begin to experience less time inrepparttar 101489 stuck, fearful places and more time inrepparttar 101490 moving forward and living your dreams places. What’s stopping you? Go ahead and dream… It’s YOUR life…imaginerepparttar 101491 possibilities!

Helaine Iris is a Life Coach who loves her life. She works with individuals, and self-employed professionals. For a solution focused, free initial consultation visit her website http://www.pathofpurpose.com or call her 603-357-8546 or email her helaine@pathofpurpose.com

Victoria's Secret DISCLOSED

Written by Stanley J. Leffew

Continued from page 1

What'srepparttar difference?


We always treat differently what we value.

That, I believe is Victoria's Secret, secret. For years this franchise has made a living by placing high value onrepparttar 101485 female anatomy. You can't experience a shopping escapade likerepparttar 101486 one mentioned above, see allrepparttar 101487 colors andrepparttar 101488 different fabrics designed to help a woman feel special, without seeing it.


I wonder, have we cheapenedrepparttar 101489 human sexual experience and personally lostrepparttar 101490 proper placement of value our creator has given our bodies?

When we show little concern about how we place our bodies on display. When we could care less about leaving anything torepparttar 101491 imagination. When our mentors arerepparttar 101492 people showingrepparttar 101493 most skin.

Have we lostrepparttar 101494 issue of VALUE?

When program after program on TV reports teenagers engaging in sexual conduct with multiple partners onrepparttar 101495 back of a school bus. When high-school age kids are admitting to sexual encounters inrepparttar 101496 double digits before they graduate. When human sexuality is considered little different than an amusement park scream machine that anyone and everyone can ride if they wish.

Have we lostrepparttar 101497 issue of VALUE?

Remember, we always treat differently what we value.

Are we failing to value sexual intimacy andrepparttar 101498 bonding it brings to relationships? Are we failing to valuerepparttar 101499 sacredness and oneness such an act produces? Are we failing to realizerepparttar 101500 lofty value our creator has given our bodies to be able to anatomically take part inrepparttar 101501 creation process?

The next time somebody who belongs in a kennel (Snoop Dog) or someone who belongs in a bag (Eminem), through music or actions tries to impress upon you that "Girl's Gone Wild" actions are where body dignity is found, remember "Victoria's Secret". Your body has value, period.

The value you place on your body will be reflected in how you use it.

Copyright 2004 by Stanley J. Leffew

Stanley J. Leffew is the Author of, How To Be Wanted For a Lifetime of Nights and Not Just a Night of a Lifetime. His website is based on this same theme. His site's unique Newsletter takes it's subscriber into "The Coffee Shop Of Make-Believe" for life and relationship empowerment. The Coffee Shop is OPEN at http://advice-for-lifetime-relationships.com.

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