"Win The Confidence Game"

Written by Hershey Wier

Continued from page 1

lip-service. Display hubris. The smoke and mirrors are often effective, though

temporarily so. Eventually, asrepparttar song says,repparttar 106063 truth is found out. "I never found anyone to

fulfill my needs." Translation: The heroes never came through. True heroes are rare. True heroes exist because of a concept that few contestants

in The Confidence Game apply. Spotrepparttar 106064 key word below. "I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadow.

If I fail, if I succeed, at least I did as I believe.

No matter what they take from me, they can't take away my [*integrity*]."

(My adaptation.) Yes, folks,repparttar 106065 word is *integrity.* The original lyrics usedrepparttar 106066 word "dignity." Not

as important as integrity, in my book. Integrity and dignity don't necessarily go

hand in hand. Integrity means tellingrepparttar 106067 truth, even when you've failed. Many do

not see dignity in doing this, and prefer to gorepparttar 106068 more cowardly route of covering

up. The world is in desperate need of heroes. Heroes who work diligently and with

integrity. Forrepparttar 106069 higher good,repparttar 106070 good of all, not just for their own personal gain,

not for their egos. Do you walkrepparttar 106071 talk with integrity? Do you follow-through on your promises? Do

you work forrepparttar 106072 good of all? Do you realize that we must cooperate together from

our smallest societal unit,repparttar 106073 family, on up to our companies, organizations, towns,

states, countries, andrepparttar 106074 world? We are all connected. You are one unique link inrepparttar 106075 great multi-faceted chain of

humanity. The Confidence Game is just that, a game. Stop playing games and attend to real

lives. We can start by walking our talk with integrity. By making conscientious

efforts on behalf ofrepparttar 106076 higher good -repparttar 106077 good of all. Song: "The Greatest Love of All," lyrics, Whitney Houston.

============================= Hershey Wier, MBA, is a Career & Self-Development Specialist specializing in career

and life transitions. Visit http://www.HersheyWier.com

Copyright 2003, Hershey Wier All rights reserved. Please include copyright and our URL when sharing this article. =============================

Guarantees with Oomph

Written by Marcia Yudkin

Continued from page 1

* Depending on your business, consider a performance guarantee instead of promising a refund. For example, a termite-control customer might prefer your promise to make repparttar problem go away, no matter what it takes, to getting her money back ifrepparttar 106062 treatment doesn't wipe outrepparttar 106063 pests.

* If you can stand behind outrageous-sounding guarantees, go for it, as in, "We guarantee that your credit-card application will be approved by one ofrepparttar 106064 listed banks, or we'll return every penny you paid us, plus $10.00 extra for your trouble." Since this company knows that only 4 percent of applicants get turned down, their offer motivates without bankrupting them.

* Try guaranteeing some aspect of your product or service rather thanrepparttar 106065 main product or service itself. One advertising firm promises that all calls will be returned in less than one hour, orrepparttar 106066 caller receives a $25 gift certificate to a local restaurant.

* Act graciously and promptly when a request for a refund comes in. See what you can learn fromrepparttar 106067 customer's dissatisfaction. Software returns were killing one catalog merchant until she wroterepparttar 106068 catalog copy more carefully and tested it on her friends for clarity. Customer service research reveals that people whose complaints are handled well often turn into more loyal customers than those who never had a problem!

The above is adapted from "Secrets of Mouthwatering Marketing Copy" by Marcia Yudkin, available from http://www.yudkin.com/mouthwatering.htm . Marcia Yudkin is the author of 11 books, including Persuading on Paper and Internet Marketing for Less than $500/Year.

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