Widen And Deepen Your Relationships...Get to the Good Stuff

Written by Beth A. Tabak

Continued from page 1
What do I mean by widening? As people come and go in and out of our lives they teach us valuable lessons. The more good relationships you have in your circle,repparttar more you set yourself up to have an abundance of support. We could all use that...huh? You openrepparttar 130998 door for more opportunities to come your way. Behind every opportunity is a human being. I have no doubt that my divorce became easier because ofrepparttar 130999 reserves of friendship I have. I can only imagine how hard it would have been if I felt alone. Recently a few of my friends informed me of their intentions to move. While saddened byrepparttar 131000 news, I realized that I have become so comfortable with my inner circle that I have not been taking that extra step to openrepparttar 131001 doors to new friendships. When we first moved in I made it a priority to get to know everyone inrepparttar 131002 neighborhood, and have been blessed by those relationships for over 6 years. Thus camerepparttar 131003 idea for this article. I realized that I am missing out because I have become so comfortable. I am quite certain that I am not alone. Yet in my business where I am focused on spreading my wings I continue to be blessed with support and new opportunities...hmmm. So consider widening your circle. Reach out and add a new relationship. Notice how you grow fromrepparttar 131004 connection.

Allow me make a request that you can accept or reject. Try taking your relationships to a deeper level, and see what happens. This is not about digging up your deep, dark secrets so don’t get nervous. Many of us don’t pry because we were raised withrepparttar 131005 saying “don’t be nosy”. However, it is natural to be curious. One way to gain access to wisdom is by asking “what” questions. “What” questions are a great way to open up an interesting conversation. What was your most incredible experience? What isrepparttar 131006 most interesting tidbit about your family? What wasrepparttar 131007 best advice you ever received? Another phrase to use is “tell me about...”. Tell me about your home town. Tell me about how you chose your profession. We often bobble onrepparttar 131008 surface like a beach ball because it is just easier, and never realizerepparttar 131009 treasures that lie belowrepparttar 131010 surface.

Seekrepparttar 131011 story behind each person and grow fromrepparttar 131012 connection. Get torepparttar 131013 good stuff...Starting Now!

Copyright 2002, Beth A. Tabak, All rights reserved.

Beth Tabak is a Business & Life Coach, columnist, & owner of Starting Now. She is 100% committed to coaching small business owners and professionals to grow beyond limits, and create the business and life they keep thinking about. Set your goals, pick up a task list, take a class, discover a new resource all complimentary at http://www.startingnowcoaching.com .

Top Ten Reasons to Get Organized

Written by Barbara Myers

Continued from page 1

6. Increase your self-confidence. "Yes, I have my act together!"

7. Eat better. Plan your meals and grocery shopping. Enjoy cooking in your organized kitchen.

8. Make more money. You'll do your job better and be more likely to get a promotion. Also see number four.

9. Have control over your surroundings. Know where everything is located. Take control of your time.

10. Be a better parent. You'll have more time for your kids.

Free "50 Ways to Manage Your Time" tips booklet. Visit http://www.ineedmoretime.com

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