"Why would any company pay a Finder's Fee?"

Written by Tevita Rasaku

Continued from page 1

5. Guard Your Contact Details

NEVER give your clientrepparttar name & address of another Finder. When you do, you start a Daisy Chain, and are not entitled to any form of Finder's Fees.

6. Build Your Contact List

READ...READ...READ...ever increasingrepparttar 103029 number and quality of your contacts.

7. Get Organized

Keep chronological and complete files of all of your correspondence (even telephone calls) with both your contacts and your clients.

8. Find It First

Always FIND IT FIRST, before contacting a potential client. This one action, alone, will save you a lot of money in paper that doesn't go intorepparttar 103030 waste basket.

9. Don't Play The Blame Game

If you don't get a response fromrepparttar 103031 potential client, DO NOT do what childish amateurs do ­ DO NOT blamerepparttar 103032 advertiser; blame yourself. You probably didn't offerrepparttar 103033 potential client what he wanted; so, try again, or give up, on that particular finding opportunity.

NOTE: If one advertiser doesn't respond to your contact offer, you should keep your eyes open for a similar Finder's Fee opportunity; to which you can makerepparttar 103034 same offer. - BE SURE to re-confirm your contact.

10. Be Patient

The "key" word in being a successful finder is PATIENCE. The reason most amateur finders never earn their first fee is because they push for a fast close. They try to negotiaterepparttar 103035 deal forrepparttar 103036 principals. DO NOT do it!! Let your principals close their own deal, in their own time. A "right" deal will close itself. A "wrong" deal will never close; no matter how hard you push and shove.

As a finder, you can work anywhere you want, at any time you want - just by keeping your eyes & ears open. Even an offhand comment overheard onrepparttar 103037 street can lead to a finder's fee. Whether you live in Podunk, or Metropolitan New York City, you can earn constant, and sizable, Finder's Fees all year, every year. Your family, friends, business associates, and local merchants (as well as people all overrepparttar 103038 nation, and aroundrepparttar 103039 world) can make you a fortune -- if you know who will pay you a Finder's Fee for information you hear and see every day. Usingrepparttar 103040 information in this report, you can be well on your way to earning your fortune in Finder's Fees.

This report was excerpted from the complete, master course, "Finder's Fees - The Easiest Money You'll Ever Make" by J.F. (Jim) Straw; the only professional finder to ever write on the subject. The complete, master course has been the bible of professional finders since 1978. -- Available in our Million Dollar Library.


Copyright © 2005 Tevita Rasaku.

An Honest Look at Your Business

Written by Shaun Kirk

Continued from page 1

If you don’t have a plan to drive some business inrepparttar door, if you don’t have a solution for this problem and you haven’t had a solution for years, then most likely you are not very causative over this area. Most likely you’re in apathy about this area of your business.

Perhaps you consider it is comfortable if you are making good money and you’re not working a whole lot. But if you are doing well and your staff is not doing well, something should change.

A good executive cares enough about what’s going on and cares about his group. I am not implying that you don’t care about your staff, that you don’t feel that they are important. I am sure you recognize that they are. Unfortunately, you can feel alone sometimes inrepparttar 103028 running of your business because you make allrepparttar 103029 decisions inrepparttar 103030 organization. You may have a team that works with you that’s really not a team but a group of robots that take orders from you all day long. Well that type of management style would certainly make me or any other business owner feel like, “why should I take such good care of these guys when they can’t seem to fight their way out of a paper bag?”

One way in which you can take care of your group is to show them how they can take care of you. The way you do that is by managing with statistics and not with emotion. Set good, acceptable, agreed-upon targets and work with your staff through whatever barriers that may come up in order to achieve that end. You can move from being apathetic about certain areas of your business to being more causative over it.

Imaginerepparttar 103031 confidence that it will give you and your team when these key areas are handled in your business. Think ofrepparttar 103032 reduction inrepparttar 103033 amount of worry that you may have if you know and can predict your expansion. But if you are in apathy about what you can do to increase you numbers, you still are worrying. It is not like you are off picking daisies, you are still worrying.

Make no mistake, this is not necessarily easy — it is a fair amount of work, you have to roll up your sleeves, you actually have to DO something.

But if you are frustrated, perhaps angry aboutrepparttar 103034 way things are and have gotten to a point where you say, “Look, I need to freshen up what we already do,” or “I need to do SOMETHING!” then that change in viewpoint alone can help you get started on your way.

To summarize:

1)Teach your staff how to take care of you. This is as simple as telling them what is needed and wanted. It is likely that it cannot be communicated all in one sitting, but if done well becomes an ongoing communication.

2)Figure out how take better care of your staff as they start taking better care of you.

3)Manage by statistics – not with emotion. Takerepparttar 103035 “office politics” out of your business. Reward on merit alone –repparttar 103036 merit being “does that employee do their job?” The statistic will show it; it will either be up or down.

4)And last but not least, change your viewpoint. Quit deciding situations that are truly notrepparttar 103037 way you really want them to be are OK. Decide that they can be different and then go about working out how to make them so – forrepparttar 103038 better!

Shaun Kirk is President and Co-Founder of Measurable Solutions Inc., a consulting firm engaged in all areas of business management. Measurable Solutions trains entrepreneurs and executives how to be consultants to their own businesses, so they not only can expand their own business but any business. With his partner, he has built the most rapidly expanding company of its kind in the world. Visit his website at www.measurablesolutions.com

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