Why the Rich Keep Getting Richer

Written by Aaron Kater

Continued from page 1
Lastly, after creating time to get rich, and educating oneself, one simply MUST buy assets that will create money for one, and not liabilities and toys such as a new car every other year, and boats. These come only after one can prove that he is capable of handling and keeping money. Simply put, according to multi-millionaire Robert Kiyosaki: “Assets will feed you, and liabilities will eat you.” An example of an asset is a rent-house, or stocks and bonds in a certain company. Only, that is, ifrepparttar company is good andrepparttar 104254 stocks are ultimately going up in value. In conclusion, we see thatrepparttar 104255 three most important waysrepparttar 104256 rich keep getting richer are: having or making time, subject education, and buying assets. These arerepparttar 104257 key factors influencing wealth. I personally plan on educating myself in real estate, as it seemsrepparttar 104258 simplest and safest way of getting rich.**

**Note: If you’d like to use this article, feel free to do so, but please remember to include this message, and my resource box in every copy. Thank you!

Aaron Kater has been writing articles for quite a while, and has his own weekly newsletter, Katerzine! If you’d like to subscribe, please visit his website at www.aaronkater.4t.com, or send him an email at aaron_kater@yahoo.com

Improve Your Mind With Some Simple Math Games

Written by Murdo Macleod

Continued from page 1

#4 Addrepparttar single digits on either side ofrepparttar 104253 colon, and multiplyrepparttar 104254 results:

1 + 5 = 6 and 3 + 8 = 11 6 x 11 = 66

#5 Subtractrepparttar 104255 single digits on either side ofrepparttar 104256 colon, and multiplyrepparttar 104257 results:

1 from 5 = 4 3 from 8 = 5 4 x 5 = 20

#6 Multiplyrepparttar 104258 single digits on either side ofrepparttar 104259 colon, and multiplyrepparttar 104260 results:

1 x 5 = 5 and 3 x 8 = 24 5 x 24 = 120

#7 Addrepparttar 104261 two-digit numbers either side ofrepparttar 104262 colon:

Add 15 to 38 to get 53

#8 Subtractrepparttar 104263 two-digit numbers either side ofrepparttar 104264 colon:

Subtract 15 from 38 to get 23

#9 Dividerepparttar 104265 two-digit numbers either side ofrepparttar 104266 colon:

Divide 15 into 38 to get 2 remainder 8

#10 Feeling brave? Multiplyrepparttar 104267 two-digit numbers either side ofrepparttar 104268 colon:

Multiply 15 by 38 to get... 570

You can repeatrepparttar 104269 above exercises as many times a day as you like.

Try them anytime you have a spare minute, like when you're placed on hold in a telephone queue.

You may not turn into a mathematical genius, but you'll certainly keep your brain in gear!

Murdo Macleod is co-author of the popular "Fun With Figures" mental math course, which shows anyone aged between 8 and 80 the easy way to do impressive mental calculations. Visit the website today for more details at: http://www.FunWithFigures.com

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