"Why should I believe you?"

Written by Jim Logan

Continued from page 1

My message to them is if you can’t convince me you can be successful inrepparttar near term, why should I believe you’ll be successful inrepparttar 103175 long term.

You should be able to seerepparttar 103176 near term clearly. You should know your business, market, and tactical plans forrepparttar 103177 next few to several quarters. If you can’t convince me you can be successful now, your chances of being successful later are slim to none.

If you say you’re going to achieve something this year, you should be able to detailrepparttar 103178 tactics used to achieve it.

Jim Logan is founder of Accelerate Business Group, LLC, a revenue growth company. Accelerate Business Group partners with their customers to build revenue the only three ways possible - getting more new customers, increasing the value of your average sale, and getting more repeat business. Jim can be reached at http://www.jslogan.com.

Business Opportunity Creation

Written by Matt Clarkson

Continued from page 1
to create your own business opportunity by first finding a product, proving their is a market for it by sellingrepparttar product yourself. And then to package it up as a proven system so that you arerepparttar 103174 one now atrepparttar 103175 top ofrepparttar 103176 tree. To find out more you can go to www.MegahitsBusinessOpportunity.com to see my latest opportunity. I look forward to hearing your questions and feedback! Thanks Matt

I've been creating Business Opportunities for other people to buy for the last two years. This has been very profitable but now I want to teach people how to create their own business opportunity to sell.

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