Why does my business need a website?

Written by Stephanie Foster

Continued from page 1

Although website hosting can be had for free, such sites tend to look unprofessional, asrepparttar hosting company places banners or other advertising on your site. Depending on your needs, however, a site can be hosted for very little money, often for less than $15 a month.

Design is where many websites spendrepparttar 117244 most money. Unless you already know how to create a logo and other graphics and can use a good webpage editor, you will want to pay a web designer to dorepparttar 117245 work for you. Even if you can do it yourself, you need to ask yourself - is it worthrepparttar 117246 time and effort you will put into it? Calculate what your time is worth and estimate how long it will take you to create a site. Then get an estimate from a professional designer. It might just cost less than doing it yourself would.

Just remember, you can start out with a small website and let it grow with your business. You might just be surprised at how well you do.

Stephanie Foster is the owner of Aspects of Design, where she offers website design, marketing and writing services at affordable prices. She also publishes a newsletter for small businesses. You can see her site at http://www.aspectsofdesign.com.

Four Things NOT to do on Your Website

Written by Stephanie Foster

Continued from page 1

3. Do not steal from other sites. Despite popular myth, not everything onrepparttar internet is free from copyright. Assume everything you see is copyrighted unlessrepparttar 117243 site specifies otherwise. There is a great deal of free material out there if you just look for it. If you see something you just have to have for your site, contactrepparttar 117244 webmaster and ASK. They might just say yes.

4. Do not forget to use your spell checker, but even more important, read everything you have written on your website. Many sites are filled with typos, not only blatant misspellings, but also mistakes a spell checker will not catch. Pay attention to what your site says about you. Sloppy mistakes make for a poor impression.

Stephanie Foster is the owner of Aspects of Design, where she offers website design, marketing and writing services at affordable prices. She also publishes the Aspects of Design Newsletter for small businesses or people just thinking about starting a business. For more information, visit http://www.aspectsofdesign.com/.

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