Why Your Marketing Efforts Aren't Working

Written by Joshua Rose

Continued from page 1

1.) Write from your prospects point of you. Keeprepparttar *I's* to a minimum and use plenty of *you's*.

2.) Use powerful words in your headlines, such as *Discover*, *Breakthrough*, *The Truth About*, *Amazing*, *New*, *Money*, *Magic* and *Proven* to name a few. Evenrepparttar 121342 old *How To* keeps on working.

3.) Avoid over hyping. Claiming to have secrets that will make people rich almost overnight loses credibility.

4.) Experiment with your ad headlines. I tripledrepparttar 121343 response to an ad by changing just a few words, from *Frustrated With Your Online Earnings?* to *Are You Frustrated With The Money You've Been Making?*.

5.) Use simple, everyday words to make your points. Don't say, *Use average language to be understood properly*.

6.) Keep your paragraphs short (2-4 sentences) and your sentences brief. Instead of, *Receive everything you need in your mailbox in a few moments*, say, *Get it all right now*.

7.) Stressrepparttar 121344 benefits, notrepparttar 121345 features. Instead of *This product comes with a money-back guarantee*, say, *Think of allrepparttar 121346 time, energy and money you`ll save with this lifetime guarantee*.

8.) On your sales page, staterepparttar 121347 problem, stir uprepparttar 121348 problem and then solverepparttar 121349 problem.

9.) Use *bullets* to list your benefits. Many visitors will read your sales page only after a quick scan of your headlines and bullets.

10.) Motivate action by using action verbs throughout your copy, such as *unleash, explode, break, pull, punch and spread*, to name a few. This helpsrepparttar 121350 reader get inrepparttar 121351 frame of mind for taking action. Then close with an action statement. Instead of *Build bigger profits*, say *Make more money now*.

11.) Visitrepparttar 121352 web sites of known Internet Experts, subscribe to their newsletters and study, study, study.

There's no doubt that learning to write great copy will have an immediate, positive impact on every marketing method you use. Andrepparttar 121353 good news is that it is definitely learn- able.

So, what was *The Champ`s* answer to me and how can you use it to improve your internet results? I think it's clear. He said, "Your friend isn't looking for recreation. He wants to become a serious player."

A month later, he had indeed become a serious player. No, he didn't get better thanrepparttar 121354 Champ, but he gave him a run for his money nearly every time … even beating him once in a while.

So, if you've been taking a marketing pounding, learn fromrepparttar 121355 copywriting champs. And keep on playing.

Joshua Rose is webmaster at The Internet Profit Wizards http://www.internetprofitwizards.com, a site devoted to the three mandatory skills necessary for internet success: Copywriting that sells, a thriving ezine and effective Affiliate links. Visit to subscribe to his newsletter and get free e-books. Or, send a blank email to: mailto:webwizards@freeautobot.com

Internet Marketing In The Future

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

Continued from page 1

When this doesn't happen, you will see them jump ship. The problem is,repparttar next program will offer no more success unless you are willing to put forthrepparttar 121341 effort required to make it happen. This includes educating yourself as well as spendingrepparttar 121342 time and money necessary to get your product or service out there for others to see.

Jumping from one program to another is a sure sign that disaster is just aroundrepparttar 121343 corner.

If you decide to become serious inrepparttar 121344 Internet Marketing field, check out some ofrepparttar 121345 programs or products available. Choose programs or products you think will be of interest to others. Make a decision to join a program or two and commit to them. Please remember, building an income online does not happen overnight.

Advertising is one ofrepparttar 121346 largest contributing factors to determiningrepparttar 121347 success of your online business. Working hard, posting to free classifieds, ezines, etc. can help bring a certain degree of success, butrepparttar 121348 fact is those who are successful with a marketing business have an advertising budget and are willing to use it.

One ofrepparttar 121349 first things to look at is your ad copy. Are you using one ofrepparttar 121350 ads provided byrepparttar 121351 company or program that you are working? This is a big mistake. People see these ads over and over. Get rid of them and write some fresh new ads or get someone to write some for you. It is not that expensive and used properly, they will pay for themselves many times over.

If you are willing to put forthrepparttar 121352 effort to learn as much as you can, build your business using good solid business practices, allow yourself an advertising budget and use it wisely, there is no reason why you can't build a successful Internet business forrepparttar 121353 future.

Don't expect it to happen overnight and be willing to take repparttar 121354 necessary steps to make it a reality.

The future shines bright for Internet Marketing.

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire Ezine. Find the latest marketing trends, newest traffic programs and free marketing courses. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:moneyforhire@rapidreply.net Get "The Road To Advertising Success" free by sending an email to: mailto:advertisingsuccess@rapidreply.net

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