Why Your Business Needs a Dispute Resolution Procedure

Written by David Miles

Continued from page 1

However, what if it was you who had carried outrepparttar disciplinary inrepparttar 103369 first place - and, let's face it, in a small company this is quite likely to berepparttar 103370 case. Would an employment tribunal consider this to be fair?

Possibly not. But all thatrepparttar 103371 law actually says is thatrepparttar 103372 dispute resolution procedure should be "as fair as possible".

So, as an employer, can you make better use ofrepparttar 103373 employment legislation than this? Is there an easy way to ensure that you have a dispute resolution procedure and that it will be considered fair by an employment tribunal?

The answer, fortunately, is yes. All you need to do is to arrange for an outside person or organisation to berepparttar 103374 point of contact to whom grievances can be directed. Then just state this in your dispute resolution procedure.

Once you have done that, you are almost there. All that remains is to make sure you use allrepparttar 103375 right bits of paperwork that are required byrepparttar 103376 new employment legislation whenever you are dealing with a disciplinary matter.

This includes ensuring that any disciplinary meetings are notified to your employees in writing and that you give them at least 48 hours notice ofrepparttar 103377 meeting. You also have to make sure you explainrepparttar 103378 reason for callingrepparttar 103379 disciplinary meeting and giverepparttar 103380 employee copies of any documentation that will be discussed duringrepparttar 103381 meeting.

One ofrepparttar 103382 easiest ways to achieve all this is to use a good quality online personnel system. Such a system will allow you to generate employment contracts for your staff online. It will include in these contracts allrepparttar 103383 details of your disciplinary procedure, along with details of a third party organisation to whom employees should address any grievances.

Inrepparttar 103384 event that you need to discipline an employee, a fully-featured online personnel system will allow you to generate allrepparttar 103385 necessary letters and documents automatically, thus ensuring your business complies withrepparttar 103386 new employment legislation.

The costs of such a system are surprisingly low, especially when you compare them againstrepparttar 103387 costs of having a full-time personnel department within your own organisation - something which is usually prohibitively expensive for most small businesses.

The Employee Contracts website at www.employee-contracts.co.uk gives more information on how online personnel systems work and can help you find a professional employment law consultant to offer advice on protecting your business with one of these systems.


Copyright 2005 David Miles. You are welcome to reproduce this article on your website, so long as it is published "as is" (unedited) and withrepparttar 103388 author's bio paragraph (resource box) and copyright information included. In addition, all links to external websites must be left in place.

David Miles is the editor of the Employee Contracts website which provides information on HR and personnel issues such as: contracts of employment, disciplinary procedures, and staff dispute resolution.

Discover How You Can Start Making Your Small Business Dream Come True

Written by Yolanda A. Facio

Continued from page 1

If your service or product doesn't exist, why should it? This is a tough question but if you cannot justifyrepparttar purpose of your product or service andrepparttar 103368 need it fills how will you find customers?

The next step is planning. What will you need? How will you get started? What is your first step?

When I'm looking to start a new endeavor, I jot downrepparttar 103369 goal and then write down each and every task I can think of that will need to be accomplished in order to achieverepparttar 103370 goal. Organize all those items into an Action Plan and then get started, one step at a time.

Getting started is probablyrepparttar 103371 most difficult step. We all have fear ofrepparttar 103372 unknown. You need only one ability or skill… courage. Takerepparttar 103373 step, even if you feel like you're falling from a tall building. I promise once you get started, you'll wonder why you didn't do so before.

Execution is where allrepparttar 103374 research and planning pay off. You've made your marketing plan; now just take it one step at a time. Keep at it. Even if your first marketing tactic works, keep at each and every one. If you send out 100 fliers and start getting customers, do not stop. Follow through onrepparttar 103375 next mailer or article. You must continue executing your marketing plan; this tactic will ensure long- term success.

Clearly it has never been a better time to start a small business. There are millions of small businesses out there; you are not alone. Seek out others for support. Start small to get your feet wet and start accumulating accomplishments. With small businesses creating 50% ofrepparttar 103376 gross domestic product you can't go wrong.

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Yolanda A. Facio is an entreprenuer, consultant and author. Principal of several traditional businesses and owner of successful e-businesses, Yolanda's writing is based on 15 years of "front line" experience.

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